Further to my previous Circular (IR/181/15, 31st July 2015), management has failed to address our real concerns and opposition over job cuts and a casualised station workforce. The on-going overtime ban is having a drastic impact on management’s ability to run a service as members are no longer available to cover the obvious staffing shortfalls. Following a meeting of our Reps recently at Unity House to discuss this matter, the General Grades Committee has taken the decision to call on all RMT Station Grades to take part in the industrial action detailed below.
18:30 hours on Tuesday 25th August 2015 and 18:29 hours on Wednesday 26th August 2015.
18:30 hours on Thursday 27th August 2015 and 18:29 hours on Friday 28th August 2015.
All members are applauded for their solid and resolved action to defend their jobs and conditions of service. The latest proposals tabled at a meeting with the Company still include massive job cuts which will mean dangerously understaffed tube stations, short notice enforced changes to duties and work locations, fewer promotional opportunities and unacceptable rosters which will destroy members’ work/life balance. LUL intends to implement its Fit for the Future Station proposal in February 2016 and offered Station Grades a one-off, non-consolidated £500 as a bribe to sell their agreements.
The simple and reasonable demands from RMT to resolve this dispute include; a further review of staffing numbers so Station Grades are not left in an impossible position, all fixed term CSAs to be made permanent, removal of the requirement to work beyond their cover group, more notice and consultation over any changes to duties and protection of the Framework, Transfer & Promotional agreements.
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