Industrial action

When negotiations fail, RMT members take action

RMT stations' action update

The attached poster highlights action which the RMT called in January 2022 and remains in place. You can also read the circular from 19th of January below.


The action called in January

19th January 2022

Dear Colleagues,


Newsletter: RMT News May 2022

RMT News is the newsletter for station workers on London Underground.

Download it to read the latest news and print and distribute in your station.

In this edition:

  • Station staff ready for action in June!
  • Stations strike and overtime ban
  • Update your details now!
  • Euston and green park members stand against toxic management
  • Join the credit union!

Tube station workers to strike on June 6

4,000 station tube staff to walk out on June 6

Tube union RMT has criticised TfL for threatening 600 job losses on the network.

General Secretary Mick Lynch said:"TfL is trying to bulldoze through 600 job losses on London Underground and our members are not prepared to accept that.

"Station staff play a crucial role in serving the travelling public and were heroes during the 7/7 terrorist attacks.

TfL funding deal ends soon

TfLs latest funding deal will end on June 24th and London Underground plotting ways to make half a billion pounds of cuts.

Read the attached newsletter to see what RMT, the only union to have taken industrial action so far, is doing in response.

Strike action called for Queen's Jubilee

Tube staff will take strike action at Euston and Green Park stations on June 3, if action is not taken against a bullying manager.

RMT members at both stations have suffered years of intimidation, bullying and unjustified sackings of colleagues by a manager who has created a toxic atmosphere in the workplace.

Strike action is set for June 3 which coincides with the Queen's Jubilee and will last 24 hours.

Green Park and Euston: strike called over management behaviour

17th May 2022


Dear Colleagues,


Following the recent ballot result regarding the above, members are congratulated for returning a solid vote in favour of action over the deterioration of industrial relations at Green Park Area and Euston Area. This dispute is due to the consistent unacceptable bullying and intimidating behaviour from management and despite further efforts from your RMT Reps to make progress on these issues, they are facing total intransigence from LUL.

Tube industrial action called

19th January 2022

Dear Colleagues,



As you will be aware, your RMT Reps attended a meeting last week to discuss the solid mandate for action which you and your colleagues returned in the recent ballot. Following further discussions with level 2 reps in each function, the National Executive Committee has considered this matter and taken the decision to call industrial action as detailed below.

Video: Jared Wood reminds members to return ballot papers

RMT National Executive Council member Jared Wood reminds members of the importance to return ballot papers in our dispute to defend jobs, pensions and working conditions.

Jared says "Get your ballot paper back. Once we've done that the boot will be on the other foot. We will have a strike mandate and then TfL, the mayor and our managers will have to listen to us"