London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

W&C drivers vote 100% YES for industrial action, smashing Tory anti-union laws

We congratulate our members on the convincing balloting turnout and magnificent yes vote which clearly demonstrates their deep concerns over the imposition of this unsafe practice.

We note that the ballot results are as follows:

The result for action short of strike is as follows:-

Number of members balloted: 67

Total votes cast                  53 (79.1%)

Number voting “Yes”            53 (100%)

Number voting “No”              0

Spoilt Papers                        0

The 40% and 50% thresholds were both met.

RMT aims for full re-integration of our Fleet Materials Stores members


We note the concerns of our LU Fleet Branch regarding the deviation from the company’s transformation process regarding re-wiring affecting our Fleet Materials Stores members; and the potential affect on them and other Fleet members.

We instruct the General Secretary to seek an urgent meeting with the company to raise our concerns, objections with the aim of full re-integration of our Fleet Materials Stores members back into the Fleet family.

RMT aims to end outsourcing of core Materials work


We note the concerns of our LU Fleet Branch regarding the apparent outsourcing by stealth of our Fleet Material Stores member's work, and the threat posed to our members ongoing employment.

We instruct the General Secretary to seek an urgent meeting with the company to raise our concerns and objections with the view of an immediate end to all VMI and associated outsourcing of core Materials work to external contractors

Station Functional Council News August 2018

Station Functional Council News is the newsletter for London Underground station workers, produced by RMT activists in the grade.

In this edition:

  • Organising On Night Tube
  • Attendance At Work Policy
  • Crossrail Fightback
  • Code 36 & Performance Issues
  • Uncovered Duties
  • Why All Tube Workers Should Be In The RMT

Please share this newsletter online, and print and distribute it in your workplace.

Bakerloo News August 2018

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for workers on the Bakerloo Line, produced  by RMT activists  in the RMT Bakerloo Branch.

In this edition:

  • Staff our stations
  • Uncovered duties at OXO
  • Lift duty not safe
  • Assaults
  • Rosters
  • Refurb
  • Night Tube fightback
  • SRT reps fight understaffing of events
  • for workers unity against fascism


Please download the newsletter to read it, and distribute it in your workplace.


Ballot prepared over Metropolitan Line drivers' canteen closure


We note the resolution from our Neasden Branch; and that the Machinery of Negotiation & Consultation has been exhausted.

This NEC is appalled by the company removing meal break facilities from our Driver Members, breaching longstanding agreements and consistently refusing to address the issue of an adequate staff canteen.