London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Support The Tube Overtime Ban

All London Underground members are congratulated for the hugely successful strike action which took place across the network during Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th July. Now, while RMT remains available for further talks with London Underground, all members are urged to continue to take part in the overtime ban and to REFUSE TO WORK ANY OVERTIME.

Fresh ACAS Talks Follow Tube Shut Down

This morning I have been in contact with John Woods at ACAS. He has advised me that ACAS are writing to all the unions today involved in the current disputes at LUL (that are at ACAS level) and inviting us to talks about process (talks about talks) as a first step, starting tomorrow at 10.00.

I have accepted this invitation and confirmed that we will attend. This is a multi layered situation with both disputes connected, especially on station staff rosters.

Overtime Ban


The RMT has instructed all of it’s members not to do overtime during this dispute.

The ballot for action short of a strike, which is exactly what this is, came back unanimous. If LU don’t have enough members of staff to open a station safely, then the station must close. Perhaps they should employ enough staff so this doesn’t happen!

One day after our recent strike action, two stations couldn’t open up in the morning because of staff shortage!

Tube Strike - Messages of Support

The @RMTLondon Twitter account received messages of support throughout the strike this week, and hundreds of new followers taking us beyond five thousand.

Tube workers were striking in several different disputes. These were the Pay & Night Tube dispute which saw all tube workers taking action, Station staff striking in a dispute over planned cuts and Fleet workers walked out over the use of agency trainers.

Messages of support came from other unions and workers who are fighting back:

A Time Line Of The Night Tube Dispute

Night Tube was first announced in October 2013 at the same time as London Underground bosses and Tory mayor Boris Johnson announced plans for massive cuts to the tube and the closure of every ticket office.

The RMT has held the position since day one that we are willing to discuss any increase in Tube services. In this official union decision in November 2013 we made our position clear:

"This union is willing to discuss any proposals to extend the services offered to our passengers – including all-night running – so long as these are done safely and do not involve loss of jobs or worsening of working conditions for our members."

RMT Willing To Discuss Any Extension To Tube Services Including All Night Running

In September 2014, the date that London Underground plan to launch Night Tube was announced, but still bosses hadn't agreed with the workers via their unions how it would be staffed.

Leaflet For The Public: Why We Are Striking

You can download the leaflet at the end of this article

Our action is in response to the impact of a £4.2bn cuts programme imposed by the Government and Mayor of London. All four Unions are united with members voting overwhelmingly for strike action, with 90% plus yes votes and turnouts of over 50% (markedly better than the Tory Governments 24% share of the eligible voters in the General Election).

Jeremy Corbyn MP Calls For Withdrawal of Imposition Of Night Tube

Labour MP and leadership candidate Jermy Corbyn has submitted an Early Day Motion (EDM) calling on "the Mayor to withdraw the imposition of night working on tube workers and instead seek agreement with their trade unions on proper and safe staffing levels and working arrangements."

The EDM - which are used to draw attention to campaigns or publicise an MP's views - details the affect shift work can have on physical and mental health, and highlights concern that Night Tube is being rushed in at a time when hundreds of jobs face the axe.

Fixed term contract? Why you shoud strike

LU has been looking for a formula to weaken the trades unions for years. They hoped the development of the SRT would have a negative effect on stations , but the buggers kept joining the RMT.
When the unions rightly forced management to address the gender imbalance among drivers, LU thought that by advertising in Cosmopolitan, etc, they'd get a nice passive workforce in heels & Laura Ashley skirts.
Nope - the buggers joined trade unions.

RMT members from LUL &FGW to demo at start of strike action. July 8 1830 Paddington Stn

RMT members from both LUL and FGW will be holding a rally at Paddington Station at the start of their respective strikes.
LUL have set out their stall to impose change on the workers and have been given the clearest response from the RMT.
92% of members voted for taking industrial action.

Equally impressive has been the response from our comrades on FGW who in a dispute over similar issues have voted overwhelmingly in favour of strikes.