London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Tube Warning As Sex Offences Up 35%

RMT slams Mayor for ignoring union warnings as TFL confirms today that sex offences have risen by 35% in a year
General Secretary Mick Cash said.

"RMT warned right from the off that cash led cuts to station staffing would turn London Underground into a criminals paradise and those who ignored those warnings, and in particular Mayor Boris Johnson, should be hanging their heads in shame today, apologising to Londoners and reversing their lethal cuts programme.

30 Year Old Tube Trains To Be 'Dumped' On Welsh Railway

RAIL UNION RMT today called on rail chiefs to come clean after speculation emerged over the weekend that 30 year old tube trains withdrawn from service on London Underground, currently undergoing refitting to diesel operation, could be dumped on railways across Wales as a cheapskate, rolling stock lash-up that raises both serious safety fears and a threat to the role of the guard.

The news exposes as complete fiction public statements from Government ministers dating back to earlier this year that there were no plans to use the aging, decommissioned underground trains on the main railway.

Update: Noel Roberts

All members of East Ham Branch are encourage to attend the next meeting, which will take place on Thursday 4th June at 16:45 at The Spotted Dog in Barking.
The General Grades Committee has received advice from our legal department that there may be some issues with the ballot for Noel Roberts. This is a symptom of the disgraceful anti-Trade Union laws we are dictated by.

Biggest Tube Union RMT Preparing For Strike Ballot On Pay & Night Tube


The RMT has declared a dispute with LUL over wages and all-night running and is preparing to ballot for strike action.

An outrageous attempt to drive a coach and horses through existing procedures has been attempted by LUL managers who wish to impose new rosters on staff in the run up to the introduction of night tube operation on 12th September 2015. The rosters would pin staff into a regime of anti-social hours and appalling working conditions.

Bakerloo News May June 2015

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for RMT members in the Bakerloo branch. In this edition:

  • Tories plan new anti-union laws:labour movement must fight back!
  • Prepare for action on pay, Night Tube, job cuts
  • Full-time station staff relocation
  • Fixed-term contract CSAs: know your rights!
  • Defending one-hour meal breaks

RMT Preparing For Possible Pay And Night Tube Strike

RMT declares dispute over tube night running and derisory pay offer and prepares to ballot for action

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that it has declared a formal dispute with London Underground over an outrageous attempt to drive a coach and horses through existing procedures by attempting to impose new rosters on staff in the run up to the scheduled date for the introduction of night tube operation – 12th September 2015. The rosters would pin staff into a regime of anti-social hours and appalling working conditions.

Night Tube Local Consultation Letter 'A Hostile Act'

  • Tube bosses letter signalling an attempt to bypass negotiation initially considered a hoax as it was such a provocative act.
  • RMT seeks common ground with ASLEF in Night Tube negotiations
  • Local reps 'instructed not to co-operate whatsoever in local roster consultation until further notice'

Dear Colleagues


Please be advised that the Trains Functional Council Staff-Side Chair has received a letter from the Bakerloo Line General Manager, Lance Ramsey, who is the LUL conduit for the Night Tube consultations.

TFL1 and LU MATS Branch Meetings

TFL1 and LU MATS (LU Managers and admin) branch meetings are held upstairs, 17.00-19.30. Every 2nd Monday of each month in The Crown public house. 105 Blackfriars Rd. 5 mins walk right out of the Southwark Station

12th Jan, 9th Feb, 9th March, 13th April, 11th May, 8th June, 13th July, 10th Aug, 14th Sept, 12th Oct, 9th Nov, 14th Dec AGM

Find out what is happening in your work area and across London. Have your say and experience RMT’s ‘Unity is strength.

Paul Rutland: Branch Secretary 0794 187 7966

Nominations open for LU MATS Rep

Roy Carey has recently stood down from the role of MATS Rep for Tfl No.1 & LU MATS Branch on 11th May 2015.

The Branch has elected DTSM Lorna Tooley in the interim

We would like to open this position for nominations (for MATS LU Operational grades only)

The nominee must be in attendance at the next meeting to be held on 8th June 5pm at The Crown Pub, 108 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8HW

Please notify Branch Secretary Paul Rutland or Branch Chair Linda Wiles