London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

As Tube Job Cuts Kick In, Race Crimes Increase

RMT demands end to staff cuts as new figures show continuing increases in race hate crimes on our railways

RAIL UNION RMT today demanded an end to staffing cuts as new figures obtained by the Press Association reveal that the number of suspected race hate crimes taking place on the railways continues to rise with four reported to police every day last year.

RMT Highlights Opposition To Rainbow Procedure


Further to my previous Circular (IR/120/13, 21st February 2013), the Attendance, Performance and Conduct (APC) working group met to discuss this matter where RMT confirmed that we remain opposed to this policy and LUL’s use and abuse of its attendance policy more generally. The following resolution has recently been received from our Piccadilly & District West Branch in respect of this matter:-

Tube Pay Offer Rejected

Pay negotiations update from RMT Regional Organiser John Leach.

This afternoon I attended talks with RMT senior functional reps and Directors of LUL.

Members will know that the company so far have offered a two year pay deal 2015 ..0.50% and 2016 RPI and two one off payments of £250 for night tube.

At todays meeting the company have marginally revised the offer to:

2015...0.75%(1/4 %increase)
2016 ..RPI

So over the two years the offer has been moved by a mere 0.25%!

May Day Demo For Sacked Sodexo Rep Petrit Mihaj


Further to my previous Circular (IR/332/14, 15th December 2014), Branches will be aware of the on-going campaign against Brother Mihaj’s dismissal from Sodexo. A meeting took place with the Senior Assistant General Secretary, the Lead Officer, LTRC and Branch Officers to discuss the issue and the following resolution has recently been received from the London Transport Regional Council:-

ISS Renege On Biometric Assurances

London Underground cleaning contractor ISS are trying to renege on the commitments they made at acas last year regarding the use of biometric bookin on systems. Although the RMT never agreed the use of biometric booking on, Iss gave the RMT assurances as they pushed ahead with it's implementation regardless of the opposition from their workers . We are demanding the company stick to their assurances on this matter . The RMT is prepared to enter a dispute if necesary - the union will also go to ACAS to resolve this issue.

ISS Renege On Biometric Use

The Night Tube Negotiations – An RMT Drivers’ Discussion Document

Since Mayor Johnson first announced his plans to introduce Night Tube (NT) on Fridays and Saturdays back in November 2013, the question in every mess room and canteen has been about how, exactly, is it going to work? Whilst business leaders hailed the opportunity to “boost businesses, jobs and leisure opportunities in London’s vibrant night-time economy” drivers just wanted to know if it would be safe and how we will be fairly compensated for the increasingly anti-social working hours.

Dispute Materials: Reinstate Clara

Clara Osagiede, RMT cleaners’ secretary on London Underground, has been dismissed from her job for the crime of fighting for workplace justice for London’s transport cleaners.

Bosses at Interserve – a private contractor that LU use for cleaning – concocted a series of spurious charges in order to get rid of an activist who is a thorn in their side.

Interserve is a company with an appalling record on industrial relations across all their contracts in the railway industry which exploits their low-paid workers for as much profit as they can.

London Day Of Action Against Tube Cuts Solidly Supported By Passengers

A day of action against tube cuts on Friday (27th March) was solidly supported by passengers and Londoners, with thousands of leaflets distributed from stations across London. RMT and campaign group Hands Off London Transport, jointly organised the day which was joined by dozens of reps and activists from the RMT union, HOLT group and supporters.