London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Video: Tube funding update

RMT Regional Organiser John Leach updates members on the funding agreement reached between London mayor Sadiq Khan and thr government following s meeting he attended this morning with the assistant mayor and TfL commissioner.

Video transcript:

Coalition of organisations call for end of Tory attack on London Transport

A coalition of organisations have today joined together in a letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, calling on him to end his government’s attack on the capital’s transport system, 48 hours before negotiations between the government and TfL over a new funding deal are due to end.

Government proposes savage cuts on London Underground and Overground

TRANSPORT UNION RMT has revealed today that the Government proposes savage cuts on London Underground and Overground in spite of the high productivity levels of its workers.

The proposed cuts are part of an austerity package being demanded by the Government in exchange for a 6 month period of ‘workplace reform’ including a return to the idea of ‘driverless trains’ and an attack on workers’ pension schemes.

RMT gears up for industrial and political battle in London

Dear colleagues,

RMT gears up for industrial and political battle in London

I'm writing to you to set out how your union is responding to the Government's attempt to use the crisis in TfL's finances to launch an attack on the livelihoods of ordinary Londoners, including threats to attacks jobs and pensions on the capital's transport network.

Trains Grade Meeting

  • Meeting dates are subject to change of date and time. Please speak to a rep or branch officer to confirm details before attending.

Train Grades is held monthly on the last Thursday of the month on Zoom. Please ask your local rep for the link. Train Grades is a regular meeting for reps, activists and all members to debate issues related to our grade, to report on local issues and to hear reports and ask questions of train functional reps.

All RMT drivers are welcomed and encouraged to attend and to help your union formulate policy and build campaigns.

Supreme Court case likely to have significant impact on RMT holiday pay calculation claim


Further to my previous Circular (IR208/20, 13th June 2020), the Lead Officer, Reps and NEC met with our Legal Department and updated legal advice has been received relating to our prospective legal action to secure the inclusion of overtime in the calculation of holiday pay for members working for LUL.

RMT meets with LU director to discuss financial crisis

Dear RMT members


This morning myself and NEC rep Jared Wood attended a summit meeting with the Managing Director of LUL and others to discuss the above

At the time of writing this update no final deal had been done with government and TFL and management told us that it is possible a deal may not be completed by the 17th October deadline. However, it is management’s view that a section 114 notice would not be required if there was a reasonable prospect of securing a deal by next week.