London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT Upfront Health And Safety - June 2021

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for London Underground train drivers, produced by the RMT activists.

This edition focuses on health & safety issues:

  • ‘Flash n Dash’ Plan Rehashed?
  • Secure Cabs

Please download the attached newsletter to read more, and print, display and distribute it in your train crew accommodation.

Jubilee South branch meeting: organise to fight the proposed cuts

Jubilee South branch meeting is taking place on Zoom, Wednesday 30th of June at 4pm. These branch meetings take place each pay day at the same time.

London Underground has started talking about their plans to make cuts, and we need to get ready as a union to fight back and defend our jobs, pensions and conditions.

Jubilee South News, attached, has info for Tube workers. Please distribute it in your Jubilee South branch area and come along to the meeting and encourage others to join you too.

The fight back starts here!

This open attack on London's transport workers must be fought

Dear colleague,

TFL: No cuts, no austerity - unity is strength

This morning, your Regional Organiser and London Underground reps met with LU management to discuss the company's response to the government's funding settlement with TfL. At the meeting, London Underground managers invited the unions to work with them on implementing cuts.

RMT was absolutely clear in response. We told them that there was no question of this union colluding in implementing cuts in jobs, pay or terms and conditions.

Tier 2 Stations news: stay safe in the hot weather

Whilst the company believes wearing a pink hi vis contributes something to customer service, in this hot and humid weather it can in fact contribute detrimentally to your health, safety and wellbeing.

Knowing your rights as a worker is vital!

The Health and Safety at Work Act, The Workplace Health Safety and Welfare Regulations, and The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations protect workers against employers who
put your safety at risk.

Football Safety Bulletin - England Vs Scotland

It’s a big game tomorrow and a big challenge for our network. Station staff are crucial to the safe management of stations, this of course includes platforms. The PTI (platform train interface) is the most dangerous part of a station environment and an accident at the PTI can have fatal consequences.

- Download the attached newsletter from RMT H&S. Tier 2 to learn more.

Staff Our Stations meeting

Staff our Stations - RMT Regional Campaign Meetings - Register Now!

To: All RMT Station Grades members in rail, London Underground and metro

Dear Colleague,

Your Union has long campaigned against attempts by Government and train companies to cut station staffing, close ticket offices and casualise the workforce under the Staff our Stations campaign. Whilst the threats to station grades, of course, pre-date Covid-19, it is clear that Government and companies are attempting to use the pandemic to attack station grades jobs, pay and conditions.

RMT Upfront June 2021

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for train drivers on London Underground, from RMT train driver activists.

This edition focusses on two upcoming ballots in our grade, one to defend rep Gary Carney and the other to fight back against London Underground bosses threat to increase weekend and night working for train drivers.

- Please download the attached newsletter and distribute in your train crew accomodation.