London Underground Ltd

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News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Strike action over London Underground plans to abolish Night Tube Train Drivers’ grade goes ahead next month

Strike action over London Underground plans to abolish Night Tube Train Drivers’ grade goes ahead next month as company ‎block progress in ACAS talks

TUBE UNION RMT said today that strike action across the network over plans by London Underground to abolish the Night Tube Train Drivers’ grade will go ahead next month after the company refused ‎to make any serious progress in ACAS talks this week.

Following a solid vote for action late last month and subsequent talks that failed to resolve this issue RMT has instructed members as follows;

RMT Upfront: ACAS Update

Upfront is the London Underground train drivers' newsletter from the RMT. In this edition we respond to some of management's misleading claims over our 'abolition of Night Tube grade' dispute, and also there's is an ACAS update which follows the latest meeting which was on the 21st of July.

Please download the attached newsletter to read it. You can also print and display it in your depot.

Upfront Newsletter July 2021 Strike Special

  • Please download the attached newsletter and display it in your depot.


The RMT has announced strike dates in our dispute over the abolition of the Night Tube grade. RMT demanded LUL pause their attack on our members jobs and work life balance but it has unfortunately fallen on deaf ears.

A packed meeting of driver reps and members agreed that the only option now is to name industrial action to bring LU management to their senses.

RMT announce strike dates over LUL plan to abolish Night Tube grade

RMT to take strike action over London Underground plans to abolish Night Tube Train Drivers’ grade

TUBE UNION RMT said today that it will be taking strike action across the Tube network over plans by London Underground to abolish the Night Tube Train Drivers’ grade.

Following a solid vote for action late last month and subsequent talks that failed to resolve this issue RMT has instructed members as follows;

Report: TfL Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Forum, 9 June

TfL Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Trade Union Engagement Forum, 9 June 2021

Report from Janine Booth (RMT)


After a long break, the Forum met on Teams on 9 June 2021. Janine Booth and Glen Hart attended on behalf of RMT. ASLEF, TSSA and Unite were also present, but other TfL unions were not. This forum is separate from the collective bargaining machinery, but more sharing of information between them would be helpful.

RMT raise track noise demands at meeting with Tube bosses

All RMT Health & Safety Reps on the Northern, Victoria, Central and Jubilee Lines today attended a conference to look at excessive track noise on these line. A selection of managers and dedicated track personnel were in attendance.

- read the attached newsletter to get the full story. You can also downloads print and distribute it in your train crew accomodation.