London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

LTRC Pay 2019 Bulletin

Pay talks are underway and with no offer on the table from LU for our pay rise this April we need to start mobilising members to fight for our demands:

32h 4day week

Substantial pay rise with flat rate minimum to benefit lower paid grades

Priv for all

Abolish CSA2 on stations

Plus other elements included in our pay submission.

Please download and distribute the LTRC newsletter. Printed copies will be available from Unity House later this week.

RMT tells LU: do not discipline Sister Kyei-Donokoh or we will be in dispute

21st of March 2019

"if any disciplinary sanction whatsoever is given to sister Kyei-Donokoh at her CDI outcome tomorrow a dispute will exist"


That we note the decision of Yesterday’s reps meeting regarding the appalling treatment by the company of sister Sophie Kyei-Donokoh, who after being abused by
a repeat offending member of the public, has been put through a sham of the disciplinary procedure on a Gross Misconduct charge by the company.

LU Pay Talks Update

The third day of London Underground pay talks took place yesterday (Wednesday 13th March). RMT Regional Organiser, John Leach, attended with reps from the seven Functional Councils RMT has recognition on. The company had previously asked us to remove a number of items from our pay claim before they would make us a financial offer. We refused this request and returned yesterday to continue to engage in meaningful talks with the company. There were discussions about improving staff travel facilities and also around our demand for a 32 hour, 4 day working week.

Accidents at work and Return To Work Interviews

This advice is taken from the attached posters.  If you are off work sick and need advice, talk to your RMT rep as soon as possible.

Reporting an accident at work

We work in a dangerous environment and accidents happen.  Sometimes these accidents will be immediately serious and there will be no doubt of the impact, other times an incident may seem less serious initially, but could develop later into something that necessitates time off of work.

District Centre Group votes yes to strike but thresholds not met


We note that the ballot results are as follows:

The result for strike action is as follows:-

Number of members balloted: 171

Total votes cast 74 (43.3%)

Number voting “Yes” 71 (41.5% of members balloted)

Number voting “No” 3

Spoilt Papers 0

The 40% threshold was met but 50% turnout threshold was not met


Station worker disciplined for suffering verbal assault


That we note the resolution from our Bakerloo Line Branch; and are appalled at the company’s unfair treatment of Sister Kyei-Donkoh where instead of supporting her following a verbal assault; they have instead misapplied the disciplinary procedure and are continuing to do so; with her disciplinary hearing outcome due to be announced on Tuesday 26 th February 2018.