London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

In The News: RMT Respond To Whitechapel Ticket Office Closure Threat

The threat of the closure of Whitechapel ticket office has been reported in both the local and national press.

RMT has registered its strong opposition to plans to remove the ticket office from Whitechapel station during the process of rebuilding the station for it to be served by Crossrail. The plans totally ignore the fact that the station serves an area which includes a busy market and a major hospital. The area is also known for its diverse local population, many of whom need to access staff support at an open ticket office rather than rely on ticket-issuing machines – machines that are vulnerable to vandalism.

RMT Learning: London Underground Learning Questionnaire

My name is Anna Gichaga and I am a Union Learning Rep for the RMT Union on London Underground. This survey has been designed to collect learning information from our members and other workers on London Underground. Your assistance filling this out will help us to organise information, advice and guidance for all those interested in learning and with sufficient numbers will allow us to arrange a number of courses for all those keen to increase their skills and knowledge. The Time to Train legislation that came in has prompted this survey.

Transport for London Cuts Protest at Greater London Assembly

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Dear Colleagues,

Transport for London cuts –

Protest at Greater London Assembly at 9am on Wednesday 17 July
Transport for London is planning hundreds of job losses and extensive changes to contracts affecting workers on the Tube and on London Overground.

The details are currently unclear but as we know, TfL have already announced their intention to introduce Driver Only Operation throughout the whole LOROL network. Cuts are unacceptable, and we are pressing for TfL to halt its plans and to engage with us now.

Union Campaign To Stop Closure Of Whitechapel Ticket Office Steps Up With Protest

Join the protest at 8am on Monday

TUBE UNION RMT will hold a protest at Whitechapel station at 8am next Monday – 15th July – as the union steps up the campaign to defend ticket offices on London Underground from attempts by Mayor Boris Johnson to smuggle in ticket office closures through the back door – despite pledging to oppose closures before he was elected.

Ballot For Industrial Action in Response To Depot Closure

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd dated 8 July 2013. We instruct the General Secretary to reply, explaining that the letter of 28 June does not provide us with the clarity and assurances that we seek. Accordingly, and in line with our previous decision Gww 2 July 2013, we instruct the General Secretary to proceed immediately with a ballot for strikes and action short of strikes, to a timescale to be agreed with our LU Engineering branch. A personal letter is to be sent to all members strongly urging them to vote Yes to both questions.

RMT Disgust At TrainPeople Refusal to Pay Former Workers Fully

We note the report and correspondence on file, and are disgusted by Trainpeople’s failure to pay its former employees' wages in full. The agency is legally obliged to do so, regardless of whether and when the hirer company, London Underground Ltd, paid fees to the agency, We therefore instruct the General Secretary to provide these members with all the documentation in our possession that may assist with their legal case.

Bakerloo Line Detrainment Jobs Needs Permanent Rostered Staff

We welcome the report from our Regional Organiser.

We note that LUL presented its three-month review of its detrainment procedure to our Trains Safety Council representatives on Monday 1 July. The company has made no progress in achieving a technical solution to minimising overcarries, and continues to deploy station staff as part of its detrainment procedure.

It is therefore clear that the work being carried out by station staff is permanent. It is thus no longer appropriate for this to be done by the Special Requirements Team; rostored station staff posts should be restored.

Protest - Save Whitechapel Ticket Office

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Many of you will be aware that Whitechapel Underground station is undergoing a huge refurbishment, which will see the station serving thousands more customers each year, as a result of the Crossrail project. However, London Underground has announced plans to remove and close the Ticket Office from July 2014, which will also result in the loss of SAMF positions.