London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Piccadilly Line Drivers Return Massive Yes For Strike


That we note the ballot result is as follows:-

Are you willing to take strike action?

Total votes cast ...203...

Number voting “Yes” ...182...(89.7%)............

Number voting “No” ....21.................

Spoilt Papers .....0...............

Drivers Vote For Strike Action Across the Sub Surface Railway


That we note the ballot results are as follows:-

Are you willing to take action short of strike action (Hammersmith & City and Metropolitan
line drivers)?

Total votes cast ...85................

Number voting “Yes”...80...(94.1%)............

Number voting “No”...5.................

Spoilt Papers...0.................

Are you willing to take strike action (Hammersmith and Edgware Road drivers)?

Total votes cast...49...............

Number voting “Yes”...41...(83.7%).............

Industrial Action Called Across London Underground

Strike action ballots return strong yes votes from ISS cleaners, drivers on the Piccadilly and sub surface depots, and maintenance workers on TfL contract with Mitie

RMT today confirmed a ballot for strike action of Train Operators and Instructor Operators on the Piccadilly Line, in response to London Underground riding roughshod over agreements and abusing a range of agreed policies and procedures, has shown a massive nine to one vote in favour.

RMT Firmly Opposes Suspension Of Transfers Into TfL Pension Fund

We welcome the resolution from our London Transport Regional Council, and share its firm opposition to the TfL Pension Fund suspending transfers into the fund. This decision threatens the stability of the Fund and removes important rights from some of our members.

We also agree that ‘suspending’ a rule for six years is an undemocratic manoeuvre to avoid the process of changing the rules.

Machinery Of Negotiation Review Update

We note that further talks have taken place on this matter, and that the employer has drafted proposed constituencies.

We further note the request from the employer for our membership numbers. We authorise the lead officer to provide these numbers through an appropriate method, for example through the auspices of ACAS. We require and expect the company to reciprocally provide us with the numbers of employees in each of its proposed constituencies.

Reports and developments to be placed in front of us.

Blog: Confessions Of A Train Operator On Temporary Alternative Duties

If the company press machine is to be believed, stations and in particular the stations on the outskirts of the underground network are ghost stations. Whereby there is very little need for station staff, staff there sit around drinking tea and watch Jeremy Kyle all day. Customers come and go as they please using all this wonderful modern technology such as etop up; wide aisle gates and help points. No need for station staff they say.

London Calling May 2013

In this edition:

  • Piccadilly dispute latest
  • Tube lines dispute
  • Update on Rainbow Sickness Process from Stations Functional Council Reps
  • Fighting for the 33
  • Support ISS Cleaners
  • Supervisor Cuts and Wider use of ICSAs Will be Resisted
  • Thermal Comfort Survey

Reports To London Transport Regional Council Meeting April 2013

At this month's London Transport Regional Council Meeting, reports were given by our Executive member Janine Booth and Regional Organiser John Leach.

These are just notes of the areas discussed - to find out more, have a look through this site, speak to your local rep and do your best to attend branch meetings and the LTRC meeting which is held on the last Thursday of each month except June and December.

Meeting Agenda