Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

Staff Our Stations meeting

Staff our Stations - RMT Regional Campaign Meetings - Register Now!

To: All RMT Station Grades members in rail, London Underground and metro

Dear Colleague,

Your Union has long campaigned against attempts by Government and train companies to cut station staffing, close ticket offices and casualise the workforce under the Staff our Stations campaign. Whilst the threats to station grades, of course, pre-date Covid-19, it is clear that Government and companies are attempting to use the pandemic to attack station grades jobs, pay and conditions.

Upfront H&S News May 2021

RMT Upfront H&S contains all the latest health and safety news for London Underground train drivers.

In this edition:

  • Management waking up to fatigue concerns

  • Bond Street CCTV trial creates more problems than it solves

  • Lateral Flow testing for Stock Training

Please download the attached newsletter for the latest information.


Bond Street CCTV trial update

Dear Colleague


Your RMT National Executive Committee (NEC) met on 13th April 2021 to discuss the following resolution from RMT Jubilee South Branch:

This branch is very concerned about the unsafe PTI CCTV operating at Bond Street Southbound platform. London Underground is running a ‘trial’ of new cameras with three sectors per monitor. These images are much smaller than what was previously shown on our in-cab monitors, which are already the smallest monitors on the network.

Jubilee Line rejects CCTV trial

London Underground have announced their decision to implement a month long trial of new in-cab monitor images showing six segments at Bond Street Southbound platform. RMT reps objected strenuously to this idea. We believe London Underground’s plan increases risk and is worse than we had before at Bond Street. Management refused to consider our concerns and have pushed ahead with their plans to implement these changes and announced that Finchley Road southbound is next. 

Information for shielding CEV workers

  • Please download the attached leaflet to get all the latest information and advice from your union, RMT.

Following the companies recent response to RMT reps raising concerns about CEV and CV staff returning to the workplace, your regional organiser has written to the company making it clear that we reject their position and believe it is unsafe.

Safety, Equality, Solidarity!

Safety, Equality, Solidarity! 

The RMT London Transport Region is hosting a panel focusing on women’s health and safety in the workplace, for International Workers Memorial Day.

The event will take place at 5pm on the 28th April. There are more details in the attached flyer.

Please join us, a link to the meeting will be available soon.

Automatic train operation in depots


I write to inform branches that your Lead Officer submitted a report on discussions between your Representatives and London Underground regarding a proposed introduction of Automatic Train Operation (ATO) in depots and sidings. Despite the efforts that have been made to engage the company over unsafe work practises, London Underground are seeking to impose ATO in a way which is clearly unsafe. A referral to ACAS has been sought and London Underground have failed to respond to our request.

RMT writes to PM about women's safety and police violence

Dear Prime Minister,

Police Violence against Women Demonstrators

Our union has requested that we write to you directly and express our members anger at the reaction of the authorities to the reclaim the night vigils. RMT women members in particular have contacted us to express their outrage at the recent actions of the police.