Dear Prime Minister,
Police Violence against Women Demonstrators
Our union has requested that we write to you directly and express our members anger at the reaction of the authorities to the reclaim the night vigils. RMT women members in particular have contacted us to express their outrage at the recent actions of the police.
It is of particular resonance to our women members in the transport sector many of whom in the course of their working life need to get to work at all hours of the day and night and are also at risk from violence while they are at work seeking to assist the safe travel of the public.
Our members have both empathy and sympathy for the reclaim the night campaign and the vigil for Sarah Everard.
They are deeply disappointed that the response by the authorities was to aggressively silence the women rather than to listen to their concerns.
We call on you to send out a clear message to all those in positions of authority that women's voices must be respected and heard particularly when it relates to the safety of women and girls.
Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash
RMT General Secretary
Michelle Rodgers
RMT President
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