Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

Rail unions write to prime minister: this is not the time to run more trains

Britain's three rail unions - ASLEF, RMT and TSSA - have written to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Nicola Sturgeon, the First Minister of Scotland, Mark Drakeford, the First Minister of Wales, and Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, saying this is not the time to lift the lockdown and run more trains.

The joint letter - signed by Mick Whelan, general secretary of ASLEF; Mick Cash, general secretary of RMT; and Manuel Cortes, general secretary of TSSA - says it is 'completely unacceptable' to put the lives of passengers and rail staff at risk.

Social distancing at home?

Trains Functional Council notice: management of staff who are social distancing at home

Update 28 04 2020

The above matter has been raised by reps at a number of locations and was raised by the RMT at today’s TFC meeting. What is clear is that senior managers are keen to get drivers back to work, and are using local managers to achieve this.

Motion calls for four day working week during coronavirus crisis


The London Transport Regional Council has passed a motion written by Jubilee South branch which calls for meaningfully reduced working hours, fir safety reasons, during the Coronavirus crisis.

The Jubilee South branch motion

This branch believes that there is a fundamental error in the way that London Underground is managing workers during the Coronavirus crisis. London Underground should be running a necessary service for key workers, not running as many trains as possible.

Is social distancing guidance about to change?

Today, in a presentation to the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) TfL Director of Public Transport Service Planning,

Geof Hobbs stated that with full social distancing measures of 2 metres, LUL would only be able to run at 13% of normal capacity. He hinted strongly that a reduction would ease the problem. Chief Operating Ofcer of MTA New York, Mario Peloquin also made similar
comments. With both New York and London hinting that a reduction in distance is required, we believe P.H.E is likely to change its guidance.

Pregnancy and Covid-19 - advice to members

Dear Colleague,
Never before have the Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999 been so important to pregnant women who work in the transport industry.  Under these regulations:
  1. Employers must try to remove or prevent exposure to risks
  2. If that is not possible, working from home should be allowed
  3. If that is not possible, suitable alternative employment at the same rate of pay should be offered if available

RMT Upfront April 2020, 'Covid-19 timetable' dispute special

  • RMT Upfront is the newsletter for Tube drivers, produced by the RMT. We are the specialist transport workers union with over 1700 tube driver members.  Please download the attched newsletter to get all the latest news.  You can also print it out and distribute it in your depot.

Bosses Plan To Impose 4 Minute Train Service

Tube bosses have announced plans to impose their bluntly named ‘Covid-19’ timetables with a four minute train frequency across the combine, from the 26th of April.

Zero chance of agreement to government plans to increase transport services on 11th May

RMT warns there is zero chance of agreement to government plans to increase transport services on 11th May in current climate as survey of 10,000 transport workers reveals widespread failings to protect key transport workers and passengers from COVID 19.

RMT prepares to ballot drivers over impostiton of 'Covid-19' timetables

Dear colleague



Your union notes with alarm London Underground’s intention to impose duty rosters at train operator depots that will provide for a significant ramping up of the current emergency level of service on the Tube.

RMT goes to ACAS over proposed 'unsafe and inappropriate' timetables

Dear RMT members in Train grades,

Following the universal rejection of Covid 19 Emergency duty schedules and LUL's threat to impose them next Sunday,we met at Director level yesterday and informed them that these schedules were fundamentally misconceived.

The proposed timetabled service was far too intense for purpose and the schedules were fundamentally unsafe and inappropriate.

Jubilee News April 2020: bosses plan to impose a 4 minute train service

Tube bosses have announced plans to impose a 4 minute timetable on the Jubilee Line in a matter of days. At a time when we are risking our lives and that of our families to come to work; it is both unnecessary and an insult to us to expect us to operate such a high level of service throughout the day when trains are frequently empty.