RMT press releases

RMT Confirms Start Of Tube Dispute Balloting Process

The Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers Union today confirmed a ballot for Industrial action over a plan for devastating Job cuts on London Underground.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said: “RMT members have now had a chance to study in detail the proposals put forward last week by London Underground which would axe almost a thousand staff jobs and close all ticket offices across the network. RMT has also now had a chance to thoroughly examine the risk assessment documents passed to the union by the tube management.

RMT Response To Massive Tube Job Cuts

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

“No matter how this is dressed up by Boris Johnson and his officials, today’s announcement is all about slashing £270 million from the annual London transport budget and the proposed cuts will decimate staffing levels and hit the most vulnerable users of tube services the hardest. The mayor must believe he is some sort of magician if he thinks he can slash a thousand jobs and still run safe services when everyone knows that staffing has already been cut to the bone while passenger demand continues to rise.

Lethal programme of Tube cuts to be announced tomorrow

TUBE UNION RMT warned today that they have been notified by London Underground that a major announcement on jobs, services and safety cuts is due to made to senior union representatives at 9am tomorrow – Thursday 21st November.

The announcement was trailed by tube boss Mike Brown at a recent meeting of the London Assembly where he confirmed that ticket offices, station and platform staffing and other safety critical posts would be threatened in response to £225 million annual cuts imposed on TFL in the Government Spending Review.

Strike ballot underway across London Underground over casualisation and threat to jobs and conditions

Tube union RMT confirmed today that ballot papers have been despatched to London Underground member’s in a strike vote of all staff over LU’s use of agency staff and the casualisation and downgrading of existing jobs across the network.

RMT is certain that part of the hidden cuts package being drawn up in secret by LU chiefs includes a specific programme to extend and expand the use of casualised, agency staff into all possible areas of the tube network on a rolling basis.

20th Anniversary Of Railway Privatisation Disaster

20 years on from the Act privatising Britain’s railways RMT calls for an end to the great rail rip-off
With November 5th marking the twentieth anniversary of the passing of the Railways Act, which condemned lifeline transport services in Britain to a generation of fragmentation and exploitation, rail union RMT has launched a fresh drive to end the privatised rip off which has left passengers paying the highest fares in Europe to travel on overcrowded, unreliable services.

New research from RMT shows that:

Investigation Demanded After Train Doors Open In Tunnel

Tube Union RMT today demanded a full investigation after it was revealed that the doors opened between stations on a packed Piccadilly Line train heading towards Heathrow on Sunday afternoon. Fortunately, the driver was alerted to the fault by a signal in the cab and was able to bring the train to a halt and ensure the safety of all passengers. The seriousness of the incident is reinforced by the fact that a baby in a buggy was close to the door that partially opened at the time.

"Pure Luck" That Derailed Overground Train Wasn't Nuclear Say RMT

A derailed freight train on the London Overground at Camden station caused massive delays yesterday, which were expected to continue throughout the week .

RMT general secretary Bob Crow said.

"24 hours on from the derailment at Camden Road we are demanding some clear and consistent information from the transport authorities into a potentially life threatening incident that will leave services closed into next week.

Opinion Poll Shows Londoners' Opposition To Ticket Office Closures And Fare Increases

An RMT news release sent out to today from the RMT's media department increases pressure on LU's plans to close ticket offices. A survey carried out on behalf of the union by 'Survation' clearly shows the the publics opposition to ticket office closures and fare rises. This survey underlines the importance of our union's campaign to keep ticket offices open and shows that the public supports us on this issue.

Click on the attachment to see the full report.

The RMT's press release is below:


October 16th 2013


RMT Takes Fighting Motions On Strike Action And The EU To TUC Congress

RMT takes motions on EU referendum and co-ordinated strike action to TUC Congress and plans direct challenge to Ed Miliband over betrayal of working people

Transport union RMT will be taking hard-hitting motions calling for a referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU (Motion 16) and co-ordination of strike action and campaigning against austerity (Motion 54) to the Trades Union Congress which assembles in Bournemouth this weekend.