RMT press releases

Time to end private rail fares rip-off, says RMT

RMT press release, issued today

Ministers have never tested value of public-sector alternative, union reveals

THE TIME has come to end the ‘great rail-fares rip-off’ and sack the privateers responsible for a ‘legalised scam’ that has made private shareholders rich at the expense of passengers and rail workers’ jobs, Britain’s biggest rail union says today.

Docklands Light Railway control staff ballot over imposed rosters

RMT press release, issued today

MEMBERS OF Britain's biggest rail union working in the control room of Docklands Light Railway are being balloted for industrial action over the imposition of new rosters.

The RMT ballot, which closes on December 22, follows Serco Docklands' unilateral decision to replace 12-hour weekend shifts with eight-hour duties, which will deprive around 30 staff of 24 rest days a year.

RMT urges LUL to withdraw ‘dangerous’ doors instruction

RMT press release, issued today

LONDON UNDERGROUND’S biggest union has urged the company to withdraw an “astonishing and potentially highly dangerous” instruction which will require drivers to ask passengers to push carriage doors closed in tunnels.

RMT is seeking urgent discussions with LUL over an ‘Operation Standards Notice’ which will also require drivers to move trains through tunnels even if they are not certain that carriage doors are closed.

EDF power workers on London Tube strike again for pay parity

RMT press release, issued today

RMT SHIFT workers responsible for fault-finding and maintaining the electrical supply to London's Tube will begin their second 36-hour strike tonight after employer EDF Energy Powerlink failed to budge on their claim for pay-parity with day workers.

Some 25 RMT 'shift testers', who work both night and day shifts, will not book on for turns that commence between 19:59 tonight, December 7, and 07:59 on Tuesday (December 9).

RMT condemns huge rail fare hikes

RMT press release, issued today

BRITAIN’S BIGGEST rail union RMT called on the government today to intervene to prevent private rail operators hitting passengers with huge fare rises in the new year with some tickets going up by more than double the rate of inflation.

RMT general secretary Bob Crow said that the privateers and their shareholders were forcing commuters to pay the price of the recession.

Power workers’ strike on London Tube 100% solid, says RMT

RMT press release, issued today

THE FIRST of two 36-hour strikes by RMT shift ‘tester’ technicians responsible for finding and fixing faults on the London Tube’s power supply is 100 per cent solid, the network’s biggest union said today.

And it warned that if employer EDF Energy Powerlink is to avoid a second strike in two weeks’ time the company should negotiate seriously over their claim for pay parity with non-shift colleagues.

EDF power workers on London Tube to strike for pay parity

RMT press release, issued today

RMT SHIFT WORKERS responsible for fault-finding and maintaining the electrical supply to London's Tube will start the first of two 36-hour strikes on Sunday evening (November 16) after employer EDF Energy Powerlink failed to deliver pay parity with day workers.

After voting by 21 to two for strike action, 25 RMT 'shift testers' will not book on for turns that commence between 19:59 this Sunday, November 16, and 07:59 on Tuesday, November18, and between 19:59 on Sunday December 7 and 07:59 on Tuesday December 9.

Job losses at TfL will be resisted, says RMT

RMT press release, issued today

ANY THREAT of forced redundancies of RMT members at TfL and London Underground will be resisted, the capital’s biggest tube and rail union said today.

The union today said it was alarmed by today’s announcement that “hundreds” of jobs could be lost across TfL as part of a drive to find £2.4 billion in “efficiency savings.

“TfL has made vague statements about the need to reduce headcount across TfL and that can only cause alarm among our members,” RMT general secretary Bob Crow said today.

Employment Bill a chance to put some fairness back into the workplace, says RMT

RMT press release, issued today

MPS HAVE a chance to bring back some fairness into industrial relations when they debate the Employment Bill tomorrow, Britain’s specialist transport union said today.

RMT today urged MPs to back amendments to the bill that would simplify rules on balloting for industrial action, stop employers victimising strikers or using agency labour to break lawful strikes and allow unions to expel fascists from their ranks (details below).

RMT welcomes return of Metronet staff to London Underground

RMT press release, issued today

LONDON UNDERGROUND’S biggest union RMT today welcomed plans to transfer the workforce at failed public-private partnership company Metronet back to LUL.

In a letter to RMT general secretary Bob Crow, Metronet Rail chief executive Andie Harper confirmed that a consultation over the TUPE transfer will soon be underway and that he hoped the process would be completed by December.

“RMT has been pressing for this measure all along and welcomes Metronet Rail’s move as a victory for common sense,” Bob Crow said today.