LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

Stations Safety Council Advice On Snow Working

The stations safety council have issued this guidance for members working in snow conditions following their December meeting. Any member reading this who wants further advice, please speak with a local rep or contact the trains safety council.

The original bulletin and a pro forma is attached below.

Winter weather/snow clearance

Job Cuts: What's Happening Where You Work?

This is the first part of a two part article taken from our newsletter on fighting job cuts. You can download it from here or request copies here

LUL management’s actions are creating problems for staff in all functions. RMT will be producing a series of leaflets giving detail, information and advice for members in each area. Here is a summary:

Station staff have been hammered since OSP slashed staffing level. Even if some posts are restored, management’s plan is to stretch us further and work us even harder.
To prepare for this, management are leaving duties uncovered, vacancies unfilled and station unstaffed, and repeatedly try to get staff to work outside the rules.

Disruption At Oxford Circus As Plaster Falls From Ceiling

Central Lines trains were non stopping at Oxford Circus Station this Monday as plaster fell from the ceiling. Fortunately nobody was hurt but disruption lasted over an hour during the morning peak.

RMT's general Secretary Bob Crow said "RMT has warned repeatedly about the impact of maintenance cuts and specifically the widening of schedules from a 14-day to a 28-day cycle."

This comes on the same day as a Central Line train was taken out of service having over run a platform due to a suspected brake fault.

Tube Drivers Take Action For Passengers Safety

Bakerloo and Central line drivers to take action over “detrainment” carriage checking

Following a substantial ballot in favour of taking industrial action over London Underground’s removal of detrainment staff, leaving Bakerloo and Central Line drivers to take trains into depots and sidings without staff on hand physically checking that all passengers are off the train, tube union RMT has agreed to call the following industrial action short of a strike:-

Agency workers betrayed

On Wednesday19th December all 33 agency staff working on the Wembley Central group received an early Christmas present. They were informed by the company they work for, Trainspeople, that their contract with London Underground would be terminated on the 16th January and there would be no more work for them on stations after that. That’s just four weeks for people to find new jobs over the Christmas period. Some of these guys had worked on stations for over five years.

RMT Concerned 'Wave & Pay' Being Used To Cut Jobs

We note the resolution from our London Transport Regional Council, and share its concern that ‘Wave And Pay’ forms part of London Underground Ltd’s plan to remove ticket office and other station staff.

In line with the resolution, we instruct the General Secretary to:

  1. contact the Greater London Assembly to find out TfL’s response to the Assembly’s questions, especially where they relate to ticket office staffing
  2. work with supportive GLA and TfL Board members to maintain ticket office staff on stations

Stations and Revenue Control Safety Council Staff Side Update December 2012

Winter Weather

The RMT industrial position is that as a working practise, staff clearing snow is something we do. However, the TSSA have a different view that they do not believe it is a job that staff should carry out
However, the safety issues including work place risk assessments, protection and equipment still remain. We continue to raise these with LUL both locally and at council level, and have also issued a special bulletin and pro-forma that is separate from this update giving advice on protection