LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

Join Us: Leafleting Against Closure Of Leytonstone Station Ticket Office

Join activists from RMT Central Line East and Hands Off London Transport to leaflet and petition passengers at Leytonstone station against ticket office closures and staffing cuts.

Local Labour MP John Cryer will also be joining this action.

London Underground wants to close every ticket office on the Tube and cut nearly 1,000 jobs; united action by workers and communities can stop them!

For more information, see

Night Tube Cannot Be Rushed Through To Suit Mayor Say RMT

Night Tube
LU wants to start running it’s Friday and Saturday ight-tube service from Sept 2015. With a completely new station staffing model demanding new grades and rosters to be introduced in early 2016 we are faced with months of upheaval. Any sane employer would delay Night Tube until 2016 but no one in LU management will stand up to Boris.

Night Tube presents real problems for all grades and RMT is fighting to ensure that any members affected receive fair compensation from the company.

What Night Tube Means for Us

Train Operators

  • Many more nights

Invitation to Central Line East branch AGM

Whatever your grade or work location, there is a very good reason for you to come to your RMT branch's AGM next Thursday (11 December, 17:00-19:15, ex Services club, Harvey Road, Leytonstone)

  • London Underground has announced its schedule for ticket office closures, and the majority of the first tranche of closures are on the Central Line (details here)

Local BNS/Roster Consultation Starts - Preferencing and 30 Min Talks

Local BNS/Roster Consultation starts at Rickmansworth.

The first group to begin the local BNS/Roster consultation is my own, Rickmansworth.
At the initial meeting LU confirmed that they agree with our reading of the BNS methodology, which means that if a CSS/CSM on a lone worked station is utilised in the ticket hall for 3 mins in any 15 min period then there should be a second member of staff in the ticket hall at that time.

Reinstate Vicky Hayward!

Click 'attachment' / file name to download a leaflet. Please distribute around your workplace.

London Underground Ltd has sacked Bank group CSA Vicky Hayward, despite having no evidence against her.

Vicky had an accident at work. But a manager decided that he did not believe her, and says that the CCTV did not show the accident. But neither Vicky nor her rep were able to see the footage, which was destroyed.

If LUL gets away with this, it could be you next time.

London Travel Watch Wants Your View On Tube Cuts Plan

London Travel Watch is surveying passengers about their use of London Underground ticket offices. The survey also asks what passengers think of London underground's bosses proposals; which include cutting nearly a thousand staff and closing all ticket offices.

You can complete the survey here.

For more information about the planned cuts, and the RMT's response have a look here.

Central Line Suspended As Masonry Falls On Track

The RMT's Trains Health and Safety council (THSC) have responded to an incident today which saw masonry fall onto the track at Mile End on the Central line.

The council is seeking further information on what could have been a very serious incident, and have written to LUL bosses for further details.

The Letter
Could you supply us with all the information you have on today's incident at Mile End Station. We gather that lumps of masonry, as large as a dot matrix, fell approx 10ft from the station roof to the track at the W/B starter.

Bakerloo Branch Newsletter July 2014

In the July edition of Bakerloo News:

  • Reinstate Dave Hanson: Sacked...without evidence!
  • RMT Bakerloo: winning for workers
  • Support locked-out ISS cleaners: Initial could be next!
  • Union Learning update
  • What is Bakerloo News?
  • Stand by for more action in LU jobs dispute - We still say: no to cuts and closures!
  • Brian Munro, 1968-2014