RMT Condemns ISS Sacking

TUBE UNION RMT today slammed cleaning contractor ISS for sacking at least one tube cleaner – and sending home many more workers without pay today – for following a union instruction not to book on for shifts using Biometric Fingerprinting Machines.

The agency cleaner was sacked after refusing to use the biometric system to sign on for work at Heathrow Terminal 4 this morning.

Other workers have been sent home across the network – without pay – as they clocked on for work at other tube stations. This is in spite of a prior agreement with London Underground that members of staff who did not want to use the biometric system to clock on would be able to continue to use the established method.

RMT has been involved in a long-running dispute over the use of fingerprinting for booking on which the union believes is a fundamental attack on civil liberties and designed to completely dehumanise the workplace while threatening jobs through automation in the drive for increased profits.

Members at ISS were balloted for action on this issue and voted overwhelmingly YES. As a result staff have been instructed to take action short of a strike by refusing to use the fingerprinting machines and instead to use the established method for booking on.

RMT is organising a demonstration outside Parliament tomorrow, Tuesday 8th July, at 9am on to highlight the injustice and is calling on all trade unionists and supporters to turn out in support.

RMT Acting General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“RMT condemns the sacking and intimidation of tube cleaners who are complying with a union instruction based on a wholly legal ballot for action. We call on members and supporters to show their opposition to ISS’s appalling bullying tactics by joining the demonstration outside Parliament tomorrow.”

> RMT National News

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