Resolution to Regional Council: RMT Website

The following resolution, submitted by Neasden Branch, was passed at the September meeting of the Regional Council ...

This Regional Council notes the sterling work carried out by the webmaster at RMT, with the provisions of the current RMT Website, RMTV and RMT Junction.

We feel that the RMT website as it is, is outdated, difficult to use, and not effective enough to communicate with our members.

Resolution: RMT Membership 'App'

The following resolution, submitted by Neasden branch and amended by Finsbury Park branch, was passed by the September meeting of the Regional Council ...

This Regional Council notes the introduction of mobile technology and believes it could be used to improve communication with our 80,000 strong membership.

Resolution: 2011 Pay Claim

This resolution, submitted by Stratford no.1 branch and amended by Finsbury Park branch, was passed by the August meeting of the Regional Council ...

This Regional Council believes that RMT's pay claim to London Underground for 2011 should include:

  • a flat-rate pay rise for all grades ie. a sum of money (say, £3,000) rather than a percentage figure. This should not be less than would have been achieved by an RPI pay rise for 2011.
  • a rise sufficient to fund workers having to pay an additional 2.5% VAT from 2011.

Euston Escalator Fire Exposes Lethal Consequences Of Axing Tube Staff

TUBE UNION RMT today demanded a full external investigation into an escalator fire at Euston station four weeks ago where smoke detection systems failed and the station was only safely evacuated through the experience and vigilance of station-based staff. RMT have this morning referred the matter to the safety regulator the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR).

The Euston fire, which has close parallels with the Kings Cross disaster in 1987 one stop up the line, was caused by mechanical friction in the closed chamber underneath an escalator igniting accumulated dust. The incident happened on the 6th July.

Tube Fleet Maintenance Staff To Be Balloted For Action as London Underground Doubles Time Between Crucial Safety Inspections

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that it is preparing a ballot for action of all tube fleet maintenance staff following an announcement by London Underground that they plan to double the length of time between safety-critical train inspections from 14 days to 28 days.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said: “Hardly a day goes by now without TfL and LU getting caught out playing fast and loose with staff and passenger safety. These fortnightly inspections identify worn brake blocks, cracks in securing brackets and other distressed components. Moving these inspections to monthly is literally dicing with death in the interests of saving money.

RMT Circular: Maintenance Optimisation


Dear Colleagues,

A resolution was received from LU Fleet about an alarming policy change by management over the maintenance regime on trains. This was placed before the General Grade Committee who have made the following decision:-

RMT Circular: Kevin Mortell


Dear Colleague

I regret to advise you that the ballot to reinstate Brother Mortell must be rerun due to an administrative error With the Anti Trade Union laws being so incredibly restrictive we cannot risk the company challenging the previous ballot and declaring any industrial action called from it illegal. Therefore the safest course of action is to re run the ballot and I offer my sincere apologies to for this error.

London Underground Threatens To Rip Up Job Protection Agreement Over 'Staff Our Stations' Ballot

TUBE UNION RMT today condemned a threat by London Underground to rip up an existing agreement on job protection as “blatant intimidation and provocation of members who are currently balloting for action over tube safety and the threat to 800 station-based staff posts.”

Gerry Duffy, LU’s Director of Employee Relations, has written to both RMT and TSSA, who are also balloting for action, demanding that the current democratic votes of members be halted or he will tear up negotiated agreements and procedures – paving the way for a jobs massacre across the tube that would impact on all staff and all unions