Huge Vote for Action Against London Underground Job Cuts

Are you prepared to take strike action?

  • Total Votes Cast...3727
  • Number Voting Yes...2810
  • Number Voting No...893
  • Spoilt Papers...24
  • (Yes vote is 76% of valid vote = approx. 3:1 majority)

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

  • Total Votes Cast...3727
  • Number Voting Yes...3253
  • Number Voting No...449
  • Spoilt Papers...25
  • (Yes vote is 88% of valid vote = approx 8:1 majority)

Support from a Bakerloo passenger

Just to say that I was saddened to hear of the proposed staff cuts on the Bakerloo line. When I last used Warwick Avenue station, the member of staff topped up my Oyster card quicker than I could have done (I was running late as usual).

I have emailed the below message to the helpandcontact page of website and shall email the same to the Mayor. I have printed off the petition and shall collect signatures and send in also.

Good luck and best wishes, Charlotte Keech

Protest/Leafletting: Don't Cut LUL Staff

Wednesday 11th August, Euston Station, London, 8.30am

RMT is holding a mass leaflet of the public on Wednesday morning outside Euston Station and we’d be grateful for your assistance. Wednesday is the day that the LUL ballot result will be announced.

Four weeks ago an escalator fire at Euston was identified by station staff - who might not have been present if the cuts had taken place. For details, click here.

If you can, please join us for an hour on Wednesday.

Regards, Olly New

TSSA And RMT To Hold Tube Staff Cuts Joint Meeting

The Transport Salaried Staffs' Association and RMT are to hold a joint meeting on the 24th August 2010 at 6pm to discuss the action against job cuts on London Underground. The venue is Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, (opposite Euston Station) in the Small Meeting Room.

RMT and TSSA are both balloting members for strike action over the cuts of up to 800 jobs.

The following people will be speaking at the meeting:

  • Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary
  • Gerry Doherty, TSSA General Secretary
  • John McDonnell MP, RMT Chair, RMT Parliamentary Group
  • Steve Hedley – RMT Regional Organiser, London Transport

This is an open meeting and members are invited to attend for an open discussion with the union leaders on how to combat these unnecessary and dangerous cuts.

Euston Station Passengers To Be Warned of Staff Cuts Safety Risks Following Undetected Fire Beneath Escalator

Aftermath of the King's Cross fire
(A picture of a Dalmatian)

TUBE UNION RMT is to leaflet rush-hour passengers at Euston station this Wednesday morning over cuts to safety and safety-critical jobs following revelations that fire detection systems at the station failed last month creating the potential for a major disaster that was only avoided by the actions of a vigilant member of station staff.

RMT also confirmed today that it has written to London Underground requesting that all fire detection equipment at sub-surface stations be inspected within the next 72 hours under Section 12 Fire Regulations which were introduced after Kings Cross.

Lobby the TUC to call a demonstration against cuts

RMT has hired a coach to lobby the TUC to hold a national demonstration against the vicious cuts of 25-40% which the government wishes to inflict upon the transport industry and right across the public sector.

The coach will leave Unity House (39 Chalton Street, London NW1 1JD) on Sunday 12 September at 7.45am. There are 56 seats, which we hopefully will fill totally with RMT members. We will take people on a first-come-first-served basis.

Minutes: Regional Council meeting, 29 July 2010


  • Bakerloo branch – Malcolm Taylor, Clive Steadman
  • Camden No.3 branch – John Reid, Pat O’Brien, Chris Grice
  • Central Line West branch – Vaughan Thomas (meeting chair)
  • DLR –
  • East Ham – Andy Izard, James Wong-McSweeney
  • Finsbury Park branch – Dean O’Hanlon, Glenroy Watson, Dave Rayfield, John Kelly, Derek Bishop, G. Doyle, G.N.Akinyemi, Bosede, Rasheed, Mudashiun
  • Hammersmith & City branch – Keith Watts, Sandra Hunt, Josie Toussaint-Pinnock
  • Jubilee South & East London Line branch –
  • London Taxis branch –

Open Letter from Finsbury Park Branch to ASLEF Members

Finsbury Park branch has written an open letter to all ASLEF members working at Arnos Grove and Seven Sisters depots explaining the reasons for the RMT strike ballot and asking them to support any action which we may take in defence of jobs, health and safety, and working conditions. It is a call for shopfloor unity and solidarity at a time when it is desperately needed if we are to successfully defeat LUL's savage cost-cutting plans. Click on the attachment to download a copy.