Notes from Branch Membership Secretaries Training Day

London Transport Region held a training day for branch membership secretaries on 26 July. Thanks to everyone who came along and took part. The day seemed to go very well, and I hope everyone got something out of it.

As well as training the membership secretaries, we managed to also generate quite a few ideas and plans, as follows:

Regional Council to:

  • repeat the training for those branch membership secretaries who were unable to attend (I'll email them to work out an appropriate date)

Disabled Groups Oppose London Underground Job Cuts

In April, RMT's London Transport Regional Council wrote to disabled people's organisations as part of our 'SOS: Staff Our Stations' campaign, alerting them to London Underground's planned job cuts and the difficulties that these will cause to disabled passengers. You can read our letter here. Several organisations representing disabled people have now sent the following letter to Mayor Boris Johnson, opposing the job cuts.

Dear Mr Johnson,

RMT AGM 2010 - Report to the London Transport Regional Council and Branches

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download as a Word document

Report by Ross Marshall, Neasden Branch

Delegates to the AGM were as follows

Steve Datta Central Line West Branch
Jim Harding H+C Branch
Martin Keown LU Fleet Branch
Andy Littlechild LU Engineering Branch
Ash Malik Stratford no.1 Branch
Brian Munro Bakerloo Branch
Pat O’Brien Camden 3 Branch
Glenroy Watson Finsbury Park Branch
Bob Law Jubilee South and East London Line Branch
Ross Marshall Neasden Branch

RMT Women's Lunch

Venue: The Old Star, opposite St. James Park station (Park / Broadway exit) 12-4pm - drop in at any time

All RMT women are welcome to join us for an informal lunch. This is your opportunity to meet other women members in a friendly setting and discuss any issues which matter to you as a female transport worker.

So, what's on your mind? Job cuts? Management bullying? Discrimination? Working in a male-dominated industry? Balancing work and family responsibilities? Sexual harassment? Sexist comments? Pregnancy? Health and safety? Menopause? Safe travel to and from work?