Bakerloo News April 2021

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for workers on the Bakerloo Line.

Please download it to read the latest news from the Bakerloo branch. You also print and distribute it in your workplace.

In this edition:

  • Vote yes for action to stop cuts
  • Queen’s Park drivers resist bosses’ job cuts plan
  • Why vote yes?
  •  RMT women organise
  •  Our target: cleaning in house by 2022
  •  RMT BEM Conference

Shocking rise in hate crimes toward disabled people on the rail network

Shocking rise in hate crimes toward disabled people on the rail network shows we need more staff on stations and trains says RMT

The shocking rising level of hate crime toward disabled people travelling on Britain’s railways is a wake-up call to the industry to stop the cost-cutting that has emptied staff from trains and stations said RMT General Secretary Mick Cash today.

New figures published by the Department for Transport have shown that hate crimes toward disabled people traveling on the rail network have risen by 24% in the last three years. (1)

Shrewsbury pickets' victory a win for all working people

RMT’s Mick Cash says Shrewsbury pickets’ victory is a win for working people length and breadth of Britain
TRANSPORT UNION RMT has welcomed today's victory for the Shrewsbury 24 as a victory for working people the length and breadth of Britain which has only been achieved by the sheer resilience and determination of the pickets who refused to stop fighting for justice.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

Funding deal a "shabby political attempt to strangle TfL and punish working people‎"

RMT blasts latest government drip-feed deal as further blow for London’s Transport
Transport union RMT today slammed the government for imposing yet another short-term funding deal on Transport for London which continues to make vital support for public transport conditional on more damaging austerity attacks on workers.

The latest deal lasts until 18 May, meaning that TfL is in almost continuous negotiation and heroic keyworkers who have worked through the pandemic are left wondering about their future.

Further developments in Hammersmith Control Centre dispute


Further to my previous Circular (IR/391/20, 1st October 2020), your Lead Officer has submitted a report along with a comprehensive document from your senior Service Control Reps regarding the above matter. Our Service Control members at Hammersmith Service Control Centre worked extremely hard during the Covid-19 pandemic to keep the tube service running and have done so in unacceptable circumstances.

Automatic train operation in depots


I write to inform branches that your Lead Officer submitted a report on discussions between your Representatives and London Underground regarding a proposed introduction of Automatic Train Operation (ATO) in depots and sidings. Despite the efforts that have been made to engage the company over unsafe work practises, London Underground are seeking to impose ATO in a way which is clearly unsafe. A referral to ACAS has been sought and London Underground have failed to respond to our request.

UN anti-racism day: defend the right to protest

Dear Colleague,


The UN Anti-Racism Day of action this Saturday 20 March comes in the wake of the shocking events of the last few days.

The police response to the Clapham Common vigil for Sarah Everard - and now a new policing bill - are signs that the government is using the Covid19 crisis to attack the right to peaceful protest.

RMT writes to PM about women's safety and police violence

Dear Prime Minister,

Police Violence against Women Demonstrators

Our union has requested that we write to you directly and express our members anger at the reaction of the authorities to the reclaim the night vigils. RMT women members in particular have contacted us to express their outrage at the recent actions of the police.