Staff Our Stations meeting

Staff our Stations - RMT Regional Campaign Meetings - Register Now!

To: All RMT Station Grades members in rail, London Underground and metro

Dear Colleague,

Your Union has long campaigned against attempts by Government and train companies to cut station staffing, close ticket offices and casualise the workforce under the Staff our Stations campaign. Whilst the threats to station grades, of course, pre-date Covid-19, it is clear that Government and companies are attempting to use the pandemic to attack station grades jobs, pay and conditions.

Osime Brown demonstration

7th June 2021
Dear Colleague,


The union is supporting the campaign to stop the deportation of Osime Brown, a 21-year-old, black, autistic, learning-disabled man imprisoned on a 'joint enterprise' conviction for being present when a mobile phone was stolen.

Mitie workers: you are not alone

- Please download the attached leaflet and display in your Mitie LUL workplace.

The RMT is responding to numerous attacks on our members on the security contract of our network. These vital workers keep our depots, sidings and buildings safe and secure. The RMT is dedicated to all of our members and this leaflet is a reminder that members are not alone. Together, we can improve working conditions.

RMT Upfront June 2021

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for train drivers on London Underground, from RMT train driver activists.

This edition focusses on two upcoming ballots in our grade, one to defend rep Gary Carney and the other to fight back against London Underground bosses threat to increase weekend and night working for train drivers.

- Please download the attached newsletter and distribute in your train crew accomodation.

Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival 2021

Dear Colleague
Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival – Friday 16th – Sunday 18th July 2021
I am writing to update you on arrangements for the 2021 Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival, an event RMT supports.
This year’s event is taking place online. There will be various discussions, debates, radical history lessons and music. Details of the Saturday evening musical performances can be found here -

RMT says guarantee TfL long term funding


It was annunced today that the government and the Mayor of London have agreed to extend the current Transport for London (TfL) funding deal. The deal, due to expire on 18 May 2021 will be extended by just ten days.

Respondong to the announcement General Secretary Mick Lynch said;

"A high quality London transport network is essential for cutting pollution and rebuilding our wider economy and this continued uncertainty and reliance on short term fixes will simply hold back our economic recovery causing lasting damage.