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Unity Is Strength: RMT Forms Alliance With US 'Transport Workers Union'

The Transport Workers Union of America (TWU) and the UK-based National Union of Rail, Maritime, and Transport Workers (RMT) announced today that both unions have agreed to a "Trans-Atlantic Alliance," to cooperate on safety issues; launch joint campaigns targeting employers in-common; and advance a global strategy promoting the right of workers to organise unions and bargain to improve their working lives.

The alliance will send shivers down the spine of union-hostile operators like First Group and Stagecoach who have major operations in both the UK and north America.

RMT Begins Strike Ballot On London Midland Over Member Victimised For Resisting Assault

RAIL UNION RMT confirmed today that a ballot for both strike action and action short of a strike has opened on London Midland over the victimisation of a Revenue Protection Officer sacked by the company for resisting a physical and verbal assault by a known troublemaker.

Justice for the 33- Coming to a branch near you

Come to your branch and help with the decision to ballot all LUL members to get all ofthe 33 back to work.
Just before Christmas 2012, 33 RMT members on the north end of the Bakerloo Line were sacked by LUL. Many of them worked for LUL for over 5 years, only to be told they had failed the entrance tests for full time work.
This broke an agreement with the RMT.
The 33 were sacked due to LUL ending theircontract a year early.
It was agreed that the 33 would be migrated into LUL.
It is also clear LUL have colluded with the agencies to rob staff of over £1500.00 each in back pay.