RMT Regional Council August 2013: Motions

Justice For The 33
"This region calls on the national executive to enact the request for a ballot for industrial action regarding the issue of casualisation of labour on LUL and the re -instatement of the workers known as the J33 into permanent positions". Finsbury Park

Driverless Trains
We are dismayed to learn that on July 4th London Mayor Boris Johnson again called for driverless trains to be introduced on the Underground. He informed the media that LUL will never again order trains with driver’s cabs.

The Brian Munro Cancer Fighting Fund Auction

The auction has now ended and we have bids totalling over a thousand pounds. Thanks to all that took part. If you have been successful, we will be in touch shortly to organise payment and distributing the items bought

We are auctioning these fantastic prizes which have been donated by transport companies across the UK. This auction is in aid of the Brian Munro Cancer Fighting Fund. You can find out more about the fund here.

We have some great prizes to auction - mini cruises, goodies from LUL, ferry trips, even a ride in a Northern Line cab.

Click read more to make a bid!

RMT Coaches to TUC and Tory Conference Lobbies

The RMT has hired a coach for both the lobby of the TUC conference, and a lobby of the upcoming Tory conference. These coaches are now available to non members for £10.

Lobby of the TUC for a general strike
Sunday 8th September 2013, Pick up 07.45 British Library, Euston Road next to kings cross. Lobby of the TUC , Bournemouth. Return Same day roughly 20.00. RMT Members free, non RMT £10......THIS COACH IS NOW OPEN TO NON RMT MEMBERS. To book your place , email Rossmarshallrmt [at] gmail.com or text 07401144419

Lobby of the Tory party conference

Watch Live NOW: Legothon 2

scroll down to watch the live stream

The Legothon is back! But this time with a twist. Over two days in the Pembury Tavern in Hackney, 23 people will each do there bit to build a Lego Death Star.

Once again, all money raised will go to the Brian Munro Cancer Fighting Fund. Find out more details about the fund here.

You can donate by clicking the donate button, or make a pledge to us via our Facebook page which is: www.facebook.com/brianmunrocancerfightingfund.

Defend our rep

East Ham Branch meeting to defend victimised rep Gary Woolf
Thursday September 6 at 1700
Spotted Dog PH, Barking

Gary completed the first part of the Drugs and alcohol random test (breathalyser) but could not provide a specimen of urine within the time allocated.