Victoria Line Dispute

That we note the correspondence on file from the ASLE&F reporting that they will not be balloting their members for Industrial Action on the Victoria Line, however this Union remains in dispute on this matter.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

Power Services Members Entitled To Transfer To TFL Pension Fund

That we note the latest correspondence on file from the Regional Organiser confirming the assurances sought by the General Grades Committee.

With regards to pensions, it has been agreed that transferring in staff will be entitled to in turn transfer into the TfL Pension Fund bringing with them their contributions.

Any further developments to be placed in front of the GGC.

London Transport Regional Council and Branches to be advised.

RMT Say No To Fingerprinting Of Cleaners

That we note the letter from ISS stating that the company refuses to retract their unfounded statement that this Union ‘did agree to a trial of the biometric system’ but they now accept that we are opposed to any trial of a bio-metric time and attendance system.

This Union has always rejected the trials of this biometric entry system.

Further, we note that a meeting with the Lead Officer and the Company is due to take place on September 10th. An urgent report from the Lead Officer is to be placed back in front of this GGC once this meeting has taken place.

RMT Concerned With LUL Use Of Hair Sampling

We note with concern the company’s use of this means of testing for drugs and alcohol and the potential ramifications for our members of any such process to which we are opposed.

The General Secretary is instructed to seek a legal opinion of the company’s use of bodily hair samples for drug and alcohol testing. The opinion to be placed back before this General Grades Committee for further consideration.

RMT Decisions On Equality Matters

Domestic Violence Policy
Further to Decision No.CEWW, 23rd July 2013, the Equal Rights Sub-Committee submits the following report:

“That the General Secretary is instructed to raise this item with all the Regional Organisers who we have meetings with over the month of August 2013 and have a further update at the September Statutory meeting. Finally, the General Secretary to write to all other unions we share collective bargaining with and send them a copy of the policy for their consideration.

Sexual Violence Against Female Employees

Station grades recruitment & organising day 29th August 2013

EJM = every job matters

The recent leaked briefing document that showed ALL ticket offices would be closed in LUL plans show what a sham the EJM engagement event was.
The management were adamant that the staff would dictate the improvements to how we do our jobs
How many of those attending EJM suggested shutting ticket offices?
Or introducing mobile supervisors?
None that I spoke to. None, in the breakdown of what was discussed at the EJM
We must now start the campaign to fight back against these attacks on our jobs and our future terms and conditions

BBC News: RMT Organiser Leach On 'Clear Mandate' For Strike Action On Overground

RMT Regional Organiser for London Transport John Leach has been interviewed on BBC London News following reports of a 9 to 1 ballot for strike action on London Overground.

London Overground guards have voted overwhelmingly for strike action and action short of a strike in a ballot following the announcement by Transport for London of their plans to introduce 'Driver Only Operation' on the whole of the London Overground network.