RMT To Join Hate Homophobia Love Russia Demo

The RMT will be joining the 'Hate Homiphobia, Love Russia' demo; in protest of Russia's anti-gay laws, on September 3rd. All RMT members are invited to attend.

Below is detail of the demo from the Peter Tatchell Foundation.

Love Russia, Hate Homophobia - G20 Day of Action

Join us Tuesday 3 September, two days before the G20 summit

5-8pm, Downing Street, London SW1

A Day of Action - Love Russia, Hate Homophobia - will be held in London on Tuesday 3 September, just two days before the G20 summit opens in St Petersburg, Russia, hosted by President Putin.

LU Guidelines For Train Ops: Resumption To Duty Whilst On Medication For Depression

LU has altered it's policy on allowing drivers taking medication for depression to drive trains. Below is the company stance and forms used are attached.

LU article on the new procedure
Occupational Health revises advice it gives drivers

Occupational Health has revised the advice it gives to train operators regarding anti-depressant medication, following consultation with key internal stakeholders and medical experts.

Join Us - Demonstrate Against Austerity

Demonstrate against austerity and to defend the NHS. For a one day general strike to defend our social wage, jobs and public services.

The RMT will be running coaches to :
The TUC at Bournemouth Sunday 8th September coach leaves from outside British Library, Euston Road at 0745 hours. Free for RMT members £10 others.

Lobby of Tory conference NHS march Sunday 29th September same departure details and cost as above.