Safety Reps To Meet With Tube Bosses Over Fire Brigade Union 4 day Strike


The Train's Safety Council will be meeting with LU management tomorrow to review the 'Workplace Risk Assessments' and Change Assurance Plans' pertaining to the weekend 96 hour FBU dispute over pensions.

In normal operation, there are 160 fire fighting units covering the London area. During recent disputes there have been 27 units covering 32 London boroughs. You do not have to be Einstein to calculate the discrepancy!

Newly Elected TD in Irish Parliament (Dail) to Speak at RMT TUSC Meeting

Paul Murphy has just been elected as TD (MP in the Irish Parliament) for Dublin South West. Paul stood as a candidate for the Anti-Austerity Alliance and defeated all the main parties, gooing from odds of 16:1 to win!
This meeting will discuss how new parties have won elections against all the odds in Ireland and in the USA, where Kshama Sawant won an incredible victory in Seattle.
Paul will be speaking at our meeting, which is at 17:00hrs on 10 Nov at The Exmouth Arms, Starcross St, Nr Euston station.
All welcome.

Blog: Transport Workers' Role In Fight Against Climate Change

At our 2014 AGM, the RMT London Transport Regional Council voted to create the position of “Green Officer”. Transport workers have a special role in the fight against climate change because a massive expansion of affordable public transport, under real social ownership, is a vital reform that could drastically reduce carbon emissions. Our fight for jobs is, in an immediate sense, a fight for socially and environmentally-sustainable work.

Serious scientific opinion is now unequivocal in its view that changes to the earth's climate caused by human activity will have catastrophic

RMT will defend our sacked members

Reinstate unfairly sacked workers, Noel Roberts, Alex McGuigan and Vicky Hayward

RMT have pledged to defend 3 of our members who have been sacked by LUL

Noel was dismissed under capability, even though he was fully fit for work and hadn't had a day off sick for over 10 months.
For more info;

Alex was dismissed for failing a breath test. LUL were aware he has type 2 diabetes and the probability of registering a false positive was known. But LUL destroyed the urine sample that would have given a definitive answer.

RMT To Celebrate United Nations Day For The Elimination Of Violence Against Women

The RMT Women's Committee has organised an evening of speeches and music to coincide with the United Nations Day For The Elimination Of Violence Against Women, 25th November.

This is a free event open to all members - both women and men.

Should you plan on attending, for the purposes of making the necessary catering arrangements, please let our Equal Opportunities Officer know at j.webb [at]