RMT has never accepted tube cuts or 'Fit For the Future: Stations' plan


Further to my previous Circular (IR/011/16, 14th January 2016) and in addition to the above, the National Executive Committee has recommitted to a Week of Action from Sunday 7th February 2016. All Station Grades members should be very clear that RMT has not, and has never accepted any part of the Fit for the Future Stations proposals.

London Underground Fleet members to be balloted over pensions dispute

22nd January 2016 Circular Num: NP/029/16

Dear Colleagues,


Please find below a resolution submitted by the LU Fleet Branch:

“The feeling of the members regarding parity of pensions has gone on for far too long. We feel the time is right to ballot all Tube Lines members on the pensions issue.

We strongly believe that no agreement should be implemented on Pay or Night Tube until this long standing issue is resolved. (No Pensions, No Night Tube).

Transport targeted for new raft of Tory anti-union laws

Transport Union RMT responds to news that transport is one of the sectors targeted for new wave of Tory anti union laws. 

General Secretary Mick Cash said;

"This morning the Tory Government confirm that transport is one of the sectors that they will be targeting with their new wave of oppressive anti-union laws as they seek to ban strikes by the back door. 

"RMT will stand alongside our colleagues in health, education and the fire service to fight this outrageous attack on our basic human rights. 

RMT blames “poisonous cocktail of cuts and overcrowding” for huge rise in injuries on London Underground


Tube union RMT today blasted the “poisonous cocktail of cuts and overcrowding as an FOI request by the website London Loves Business revealed an increase in over 400% in platform injuries on London Underground.

The research shows that in 2003, a grand total of 56 “Platform/Train Interface” incidents were recorded. This number has increased every year to 2014 (the last full set of figures available), when an astonishing 298 such incidents were recorded.

This is an increase in the number of accidents of 432% overall.

Meeting to discuss tube dispute offer

Following talks at ACAS yesterday, a revised offer has been received from London Underground in respect of Pay & Night Running and also Fit for the Future Stations.  

This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee and they have instructed me to organise a meeting for all RMT Industrial Reps to discuss these developments in the above long-running disputes. Although paid release has not as yet been agreed, you are urged to make every effort to attend as your views are essential.

The meeting details are as follows:-

In Full: Latest ACAS Offer on Pay, Night Tube and 'Fit for the Future: Stations'

A new offer from London Underground was recieved today (Thursday, 21st) at ACAS negotiations for the Pay, Night Tube and Every Job Matters (Fit for the Future: Stations) dispute.  You can read it in full below.  A meeting has been called to discuss the offer - details to be comfirmed.

ACAS Update: New offers made, but serious issues remain

Dear RMT members

Today myself with senior RMT reps met LUL at acas for the second day in this week's talks

A new proposal for Train Operators ref Night tube working / reduced hours /pilot for 4 day 36 hour week / Freeze on weekends working was placed on the table.

Stations.... a lengthy discussion also took place on outstanding issues on FFFS. Some new proposals were made and we have made some progress on these matters, but serious issues on rosters remain.

We further discussed Service Control outstanding matters relating to work life balance.