Transport union RMT today welcomed what it says is a "significant victory" over the Government's Transport for London Bill

The Transport for London Bill was introduced into Parliament to allow TfL to participate in novel company structures – including opaque, tax avoiding offshore structures that are well-known vehicles for laundering capital. Specifically, TfL intended to jump head first into the worst kind of corporate structures known as “Limited Partnerships” to maximise the profit it hoped to make from developing the land it owns above and around stations.

♥unions week

From 8–14 February, the TUC will run a special week of action against the Trade Union Bill throughout England and Wales. It will showcase the amazing work unions do and tell the stories of ordinary members and reps. We want to get members involved in the campaign against the Trade Union Bill, tell positive union stories to the wider public and recruit new members to the union movement. 


RMT advice regarding FFTF contracts

To RMT Members

It has been brought to my attention that some RMT members in Station grades have been sent letters that involve some sort of offer / and or contract to sign under Fit For the future stations. We have been in discussion with management over this matter for some time, and we were waiting for the company to come back to us.

Additionally I have taken legal advice from RMTs lawyers on the matter of contracts under FFFS.

Interserve imposes fundamentally new working practice, doesn't even show workers new contracts


A report has recently been received from the Regional Organiser advising that Interserve Management on the KAD contract have imposed fundamental changes to the terms of our cleaning members. To make matters worse the new arrangements were imposed this Monday while discussions were still at a very early stage without proper consultation with the union being conducted.

Upcoming DLR strike suspended

Further to my previous letter dated 23rd December, members will recall that the strike action called in January was suspended following movement from the Company on a number of key issues and further meetings aimed at dispute resolution have now taken place with KAD.

Tube maintanance workers to take seven blocks of industrial action to defend safety on the track

RMT announces seven blocks of strike action by tube maintenance staff in fight over safety

Tube union RMT confirmed today that nearly 1500 maintenance and renewals staff on London Underground and Tube Lines will be involved in seven separate blocks of strike action from next Friday, 12th February, in a fight over basic safety issues relating to what are known as “Section 15 possessions”.

Every Job Matters industrial action suspended

Dear Colleague,




Since we announced the Week of Action in this dispute, your RMT negotiating team has been in intensive talks with LUL to try to reach an agreement. A revised offer has now been received from the Company in respect of Fit for the Future Stations and the details can be found on our website.

Further intensive talks as tube station strike nears

Re: Every job matters /Fit for the future stations. Further Update on talks held on Thursday 4th February

Dear RMT members

Today, all day We continued the face to face negotiations with LUL at Director level on the above dispute.

The talks were intensive, detailed and constructive.

Negotiations have not finished and are now adjourned until 0930 Friday 5th February.


John Leach
RMT Regional Organiser
London Transport region 11

RMT Tube members vote for strike to defend Glen Hart

Dear Colleague,


Further to previous correspondence regarding the above, the ballot has now concluded with members voting as follows:-

Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast 1589

Number Voting ‘Yes’ 988

Number Voting ‘No’ 590

Spoilt Papers 11

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Total Votes Cast 1589

Number Voting ‘Yes’ 1206

RMT union celebrating LGBT History Month

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) history month is an annual event that takes place every February. A range of events are organised around the world to celebrate the lives of activists and acknowledging their role in history, culture and society.

RMT LGBT officer Finsbury Park branch John Stack said that the events play an important role in raising awareness of the prejudice and discrimination that people still face and in helping to break down barriers to equality of opportunity.