Jubilee News: dispute special

Jubilee News is a special newsletter for drivers on the Jubilee Line, produced by RMT activists.

In this edition:

  • Management offer increase in Saturday rest days
    The RMT National Executive will debate and make a formal decision about the offer from LU early next week

  • The detail of the offer from LUL​

  • ACAS - An insider’s report

  • ​RMT tells LU 'end the bullying culture' following ET loss
  • Check your details

  • Executive report: Ballot prepared for all LUL grades over unfair sacking

Industrial action called in train prep payment dispute


In line with our Members determination to fight for recognition and renumeration for train preparation; we instruct our Members to (Advanced Train Maintainers, Duty
Maintenance Managers & Team Leaders (Train Maintenance)) to take Industrial Action short of a Strike in the form an overtime ban and rest day working ban from 00:01 Friday 28 th June 2018 until further notice.

Industrial action called in Transplant pay parity dispute


In line with our Members determination to fight for pay parity; we instruct our Members (Maintenance Performance Manager, Materials Manager, Storeman, Storeman Team Leader, Technical Manager, Train Maintainer (Train Maintenance)) to take Industrial Action short of a Strike in the form an overtime ban and rest day working ban from 00:01 Friday 28 th June 2018 until further notice.

Ballot prepared for all London Underground grades over Paul Bailey unfair sacking

This NEC is appalled by London Undergrounds shocking handling of the Paul Bailey case.

We note that this travesty calls into question the integrity of the entire drugs and alcohol policy and testing regime. Due to the potential consequences of this sacking
being upheld at appeal in the event of this occurring we instruct the General Secretary to immediately prepare a ballot matrix for all grades on London Underground at all locations.

All London Underground branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

Defend Bro Fasoro

We note the report from our Lead Officer regarding the thinly disguised disgraceful third party interference by ABM which led to the sacking of Bro Fasoro by his agency Premier Work Support for trades union activity; and put on record now that the RMT will consider every avenue to ensure our brothers ability to undertake lawful trades union activity is remedied and he is reinstated without any detriment.

RMT pushes for CLESHARS members terms and conditions to be standardised

We note the report from our Lead Officer regarding the discussion paper aimed at standardising terms & conditions and creating a grading structure for our Cleshars members, which is based on the principles contained in the LUL Signals Framework Agreement.

We congratulate the Lead Officer, Negotiations Team & our LU Engineering Branch and place the matter in our Southern Sub-committee for examination and report.

LU Engineering Branch and the London Regional Council to be advised.

RMT campaign aims to restore cover group support admin staff


We note the resolution from the London Transport Regional Council; and instruct the Regional Organiser and Negotiations Team to continue consultation and negotiations raising the issues of changes to local administration with its effects on all our members with the company, and with the Regional Council to launch a campaign of recruitment amongst the grade with the aim of restoring the cover group support admin staff to their original positions in their original workplaces.

Relevant Branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

Minimum Night Tube staffing levels


We note the resolution from the London Transport Regional Council and endorse their policy that there should be a minimum of 2 members of staff on every surface station during the night tube running time.

Members to be advised by email and text.

Relevant Branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.



We note the resolution from our London Transport Regional Council and the frustration expressed.

Jubilee strike suspended

We note the progress made in dispute talks at ACAS today; and that the company has moved considerably toward resolving the dispute they have created.pp

Accordingly, we suspend strike action due to take place from 00:01 to 23:59 on Thursday 14th June 2018.

We remain in dispute and will be at ACAS tomorrow morning for further talks with the company.

Members to be advised by email and text.

Neasden and Jubilee Line South Branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.