Hammersmith and City Line branch

Includes London Underground staff of all grades on the Hammersmith and City Line

H&C Branch Meeting and Kings X I/R Rep Election

This is just a reminder that the Hammersmith & City Branch Meeting meets tomorrow (6th April 2022). This is at the Dolphin Public House, Kings Cross, from 3pm- all Branch Members are welcome!

You are reminded that there is an election taking place for the position of Industrial Relations Rep, at Kings Cross (LUL) Station. The two candidates are:

-Grant Cox

-Chris Mortimer

Both candidates will be given the opportunity to make a short address and a Q&A will then follow. This will be followed by the vote which will be in person only at the meeting.


Hammersmith & City Branch Members are advised to stand firm and are instructed to NOT report for Duty during the strike period.

See the newsletter attached for further details or advice.

Contact your Local Rep or Branch Officials for further information.

King's Cross Industrial Relations Rep (LUL Station)

Kings Cross

A vacancy has arisen for IR Rep at Kings Cross. Nominations MUST be received by the Branch before 1700hrs on Wednesday 2nd March 2022. This MUST now be by email on hammersmithcity@rmt.org.uk

Two nominations (and seconders) have already been received therefore there will be an election.

The election will be In-Person ONLY at the April Branch Meeting on the 6th April 2022. Please see attached poster for Branch Meeting details. 


No H&C Branch Meeting on 2nd March

There will be no H&C Branch Meeting on the 2nd March 2022 due to the Strike Action that week. The meeting was moved forward 7 days to the 23rd February. All H&C Branch Members and senior reps were notified of this by email (where provided details exist).


The next H&C Branch Meeting will take place on the 6th April as usual. Please see the attached poster.

More Transformation Announced

On Monday 18th March, RMT reps from several Functional Councils (MATS, Service Control, Engineering, Fleet) were told that plans for further reorganisation on London Underground would begin on Monday 25th March. We were not given any further information until yesterday (21st March) when we were invited to attend a large number of staff briefings in different areas of the company.

LU Pay Talks Update

The third day of London Underground pay talks took place yesterday (Wednesday 13th March). RMT Regional Organiser, John Leach, attended with reps from the seven Functional Councils RMT has recognition on. The company had previously asked us to remove a number of items from our pay claim before they would make us a financial offer. We refused this request and returned yesterday to continue to engage in meaningful talks with the company. There were discussions about improving staff travel facilities and also around our demand for a 32 hour, 4 day working week.