Hammersmith and City Line branch

Includes London Underground staff of all grades on the Hammersmith and City Line

Cross Line Working Sugestion Rejected

We note the correspondence from London Underground regarding its intention to deploy Circle and Hammersmith drivers to work on Metropolitan line track at Wembley Park sidings. The union totally rejects this, and will not accept any form of cross-line working.

Further, this adds to the evidence that LUL intends to use the introduction of the new ‘S’ stock to reduce maintenance frequencies and to deploy drivers, service control staff and others across more than one line. This threatens jobs, safety and service standards. We instruct the General Secretary to:

Regional Council Resolutions - August 2012

The following resolutions were passed at this month's regional council meeting.

London Underground Train Operations Support Managers chairing case conferences - Hammersmith & City branch
This regional council believes the new policy of allowing TOSM’s to chair case conferences is outside the current attendance procedure and we believe this to be the thin edge of the wedge.
It is not acceptable for LUL just to change a policy or procedure by sending a letter to head office and stating it has been agreed.

Revised Decision: Ballot for Action on Hammersmith & City Line

That we note the report from our Regional Organiser on this matter. In accordance with the branch's revised wishes, we rescind our previous decision on this matter. We instruct the General Secretary to ballot our driver members at Hammersmith depot for strikes and action short of strikes, and to ballot our driver members at Edgware Road and Barking (H&C) depots for action short of strikes.

We instruct the General Secretary to send a letter by post to all members being balloted, explaining the issue and the case for voting for industrial action.

RMT to Ballot H&C Drivers Against Loss of Jobs at Hammersmith

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the resolution from our Hammersmith & City branch and the report from our Regional Organiser about London Underground’s plan to cut 8 duties from Hammersmith depot, with the loss of 3 substantive posts and a significant increase in anti-social working hours for drivers at Hammersmith.

Hammersmith and City Branch AGM NEW DATE same venue.

To All Members Annual General Meeting

Due to strike action we will hold the Branch AGM on the 2nd of December 2010 at 1700hrs at the Exmouth Arms (a flyer is enclosed). The AGM elects for the following year positions including: • Branch Secretary and assistant, Branch Chair and Vice Chair, Auditors, Branch membership Secretary and Newsletter Editor. • Local representatives, both Industrial and Health & Safety for • Stations: Liverpool St Group, King’s Cross Group, Baker Street Group, Paddington/’Ladbroke Grove Group x 2.