Opposing victimisation

Defending RMT reps and members unjustly treated by their employers

Justice for Ezra


Justice for Ezra

Attached is a leaflet outlining the injustice Bakerloo Train Operator Ezra Christian is facing at the hands of a management who have no sense of the human effect of their actions. Whilst management woefully disregard agreements and commitments in order to push for the toughest penalties, they should be in no doubt that the union will defend its members in every way possible.

Station workers balloted to defend unfairly sacked disabled colleague

DISMISSAL, R. GARD, CSA, BOND STREET – LONDON UNDERGROUND (LUL/4/1) Further to my previous Circular (IR/276/15, 12th November 2015), members will recall the case of Sister Rachel Gard who suffers from type 1 diabetes and was recently dismissed from London Underground.

This matter has now been considered again by the National Executive Committee, which has noted the outcome of the Director’s review to uphold the decision to dismiss Sister Gard, and taken the decision to commence a ballot of our Customer Service Assistant members at Bond Street Station.

LUL fingered in disability discrimination case - again

Following Karen Guyotts' dismissal because she had a disability -  questions were asked in Parliament - MPs from all sides of the house were appalled that in 2015 London's biggest employer could sack one of its employees solely because she had a disability.


LUL cited that the reasonable adjustments in place for Karen were "unsustainable" and sacked her.


Karen was unable to "sustain" an industrial response due to her condition.

Support Petrit Mihaj

Petrit Mihaj v Sodexo

Support campaign to highlight treatment of RMT rep

Petrit Mihaj worked for global outsourcing giant Sodexo for 10 years, working in the catering department on Sodexo's contract with London Underground.

Following helping to organise the workforce, Petrit was subjected to disciplinary action and eventually was dismissed.

The union successfully brought tribunal claims on his behalf, establishing that Petrit had been unfairly dismissed for his trade union activities.


RMT are planning a series of protests outside Sodexo Ltd HQ to mark the anniversary of the unfair dismissal of RMT rep Petrit Mihaj.

We will continue to fight for the reinstatement of Petrit, he was dismissed for his trade union activities, and these included representing members at grievances, disciplinary meetings and fact finders. Activities that trade union reps are meant to participate in.

Petrit was found to be unfairly dismissed by an Employment Tribunal in 2014; the ET found him 100% victimised and discriminated against by the employer Sodexo.

Vicky Hayward Reinstated

We are delighted to report that Vicky Hayward is to be reinstated to her job as London Underground CSA. LUL sacked Vicky last year using CCTV "evidence" that was not available to Vicky or her rep, but following a meeting yesterday between the union's General Secretary and LUL's Managing Director, Regional Organiser John Leach advises that the company has agreed to overturn this decision. We are pleased that LUL has allowed fairness to prevail.

Part time workers –not 2nd class citizens

The fit for the future(sic) plan LUL have for us all mean we all have to trot off to Ashfield House for an indoctrination process – training exercise ( *delete as appropriate)
Fine. They pay us. We go. We listen. We believe.
In their time. In the hours they expect us to roll up for work as per our contract.

The latest, sensitive approach from LUL is to dictate to part time workers they must attend full time courses, irrespective of commitments outside the world of LUL, be it childcare, elderly relatives or voluntary community work.

Reinstate Vicky Hayward!

GGC decision, 30 September

That we note with regret that on 29 September, London Underground Ltd summarily dismissed Sister Vicky Hayward. We are shocked and appalled that the company chose to disregard all the arguments and evidence that Sister Hayward and her representative put forward, and persisted in using managers' statements as to what they had seen on CCTV footage as "evidence" despite the actual footage having been destroyed.

We note the legal advice received, which confirms that LUL's actions are in breach of data protection law and employment law.

Sodexo - why we are striking !

Please download, print and display around your workplace.


Attached is a pdf that explains the importance of defending sacked RMT rep Petrit Mihaj
Remember , Petrit has won an Employment Tribunal against his employer who attached no blame whatsoever to Petrit.
Sodexo have dismissed Petrit solely because he was a RMT rep carrying out legitimate trade union activities
Sodexo should do the decent thing and reinstate him immediately

Stop the victimisation of RMT young members activist Jayesh Patel!

The Bakerloo Branch agreed the following resolution for the attention of the RMT's General Grades Committee.

“This branch notes the appalling treatment of our young member and activist Brother Jayesh Patel at the hands of LU. Bro Patel was acting in the interests of safety when he requested ‘assisted despatch’ at two overcrowded stations on 1st of February 2013. This branch is amazed that as a result of carrying out these actions he was told to detrain and run out of service. Worse still he was instructed to attend a location away from his home depot to participate in a fact finding. Unfortunately the fact finding interview turned into a Gestapo interrogation where our member was denied the right to ask questions, denied the right to have physical break and denied to go home after his booking off time. Worse, this branch notes that since this time LU have added insult to injury and have stood down him down from that date.