What is a National Executive Committee decision?
This article is an 'executive decision' which has been written by the RMT National Executive Committee. The National Executive is the union's governing body in between AGMs. Its decisions set out what the union will do on a particular issue.
These decisions can often be brief, and may be one of several passed over a period of time. To get a better understanding or find out more information about what the RMT is doing, speak to your rep or attend your branch or Regional Council meeting.
That we note the report from the Lead Officer that talks yesterday and today have produced a potential resolution to the excessive track noise, with short–mid and long term fixes that will ease, minimise and then remove this unacceptable situation put upon our members and travelling public.
- Long term Pandrol Vangaurd will be removed
- Medium term . enhanced rail grinding is increased , this brings down noise, and monitored by our H& S reps in a preventative manner with an agreed formula and level of noise
- Short term. temporary speed restrictions have been agreed in multiple key locations.
- Train Operators facing health concerns around this matter will be supported by us
- It's worth noting that LUL agree with our position on this matter and have made available £10m to spend on this remedial action
We therefore immediately suspend the industrial action due to start at 00:01 tomorrow morning Thursday 10 th October 2019, and instruct affected members to
work normally performing their driving duties in the normal manner.
We commend our members, reps, branches and the Lead Officer for winning these remedial actions from the company but urge all to remain vigilant. We remain in dispute.
Members to be advised by email & text.
Relevant operational London Underground Branches & the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.
What is a National Executive Committee decision?
This article is an 'executive decision' which has been written by the RMT National Executive Committee. The National Executive is the union's governing body in between AGMs. Its decisions set out what the union will do on a particular issue.
These decisions can often be brief, and may be one of several passed over a period of time. To get a better understanding or find out more information about what the RMT is doing, speak to your rep or attend your branch or Regional Council meeting.
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