Tory London Assembly Threats To Tube Workers Risk Massive Strike If Carried Out

TUBE UNION RMT warned today London Assembly members risk unleashing the biggest wave of industrial action on London Underground in 30 years after City Hall politicians lined up this morning to attack basic tube workers’ rights including pensions and passes.

RMT believes that this morning’s attack is part of a coordinated, political action designed to kick off the process of stripping away hard-won working conditions and workplace rights across the Underground network.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

“If members of the London Assembly think that they can play politics with our members working conditions and benefits on London Underground then they should think again.

“I can tell them categorically that any attack on pensions, passes or other hard-won conditions of service would be met with the biggest wave of industrial action on London Underground in 30 years. RMT will not tolerate any sniping away at our members workplace rights and agreements.”

> RMT National News

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