RMT Secures £680 Olympics Payment, Pay Increases And Harmonisation Upgrades For Rail Signalling Contractors

PLANNED INDUSTRIAL action at signalling technology contractor Thales has been halted as a result of a massive breakthrough on pay, harmonisation and Olympics payments secured by RMT negotiators on the back of a 95% vote for action amongst the members.

Following the overwhelming mandate for strike action RMT has now secured agreements covering harmonisation, pay, shift allowances and Olympics payments of up to £680.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

“This fantastic victory has been secured by a combination of tough negotiation by RMT reps backed by a workforce willing and ready to take industrial action to win a fair deal.

“It is a tribute to both RMT’s members and their representatives and sends out a signal to the working class that if you organise in a strong and militant trade union you can turn the tide on austerity and secure real breakthroughs on pay and conditions.”

> RMT National News

Wednesday, 27th March
Rail union RMT members working for CrossCountry to take strike action against de-recognition of supervisory and clerical grades.