RMT Confirms Start Of Tube Dispute Balloting Process

The Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers Union today confirmed a ballot for Industrial action over a plan for devastating Job cuts on London Underground.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said: “RMT members have now had a chance to study in detail the proposals put forward last week by London Underground which would axe almost a thousand staff jobs and close all ticket offices across the network. RMT has also now had a chance to thoroughly examine the risk assessment documents passed to the union by the tube management.

“RMT will work with the communities in the front line of the cuts plans, and with our sister unions" - Bob Crow

“The documentation confirms without any doubt that the attack on staffing levels and passenger services would have a devastating impact on tube safety with assaults and thefts soaring through the roof. It is also clear that the most vulnerable members of our society would be most at risk when it comes to both violence and access to tube services. The plans rip-up promises on ticket offices that the Mayor gave to London before he was elected.

“As a result, RMT can confirm that the union will be serving notice today for a ballot for both strike action and action short of a strike with the ballot closing in January. All Underground members will be balloted as it is crystal clear that every single member of staff will feel the impact from the proposals that have been put forward.

“RMT will work with the communities in the front line of the cuts plans, and with our sister unions, to fight the tube cuts through combined political, public and industrial campaigning designed to stop these lethal proposals in their tracks.”

> RMT National News

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