RMT members will be turning out in force tomorrow, Saturday 12 May, for the TUC national demonstration calling for an end to cuts and a new deal for working people.
The march assembles at 11am at Victoria Embankment and will arrive in Hyde Park from 1.00pm for a rally which will be addressed by Jeremy Corbyn.
The union’s members will be marching against austerity, cuts, privatisation and the race to the bottom which in the rail, maritime, offshore and bus sectors have wreaked havoc and undermined safety across these industries.
RMT banners and placards will have clear messages in support of our current KEEP THE GUARD ON THE TRAIN and SAVE OUR SEAFARERS campaigns.
RMT members at the centre of a range of current disputes in defence of guards and rail safety will be on the march including staff involved in Britain's longest running industrial dispute on Southern Rail.
RMT General Secretary, Mick Cash said:
“On the march tomorrow RMT will be proudly marching alongside our brothers and sisters, health workers, teachers, firefighters and the rest of the working class men and women who are the very fabric of our society and who find themselves under attack on a daily basis.
“We also want to thank them for their support for our campaigns. The time has come to end the situation where in the name of profit people pay through the nose to travel on rammed out and unreliable trains, see lifeline bus services ripped to shreds and find themselves unable to access services because there are no staff to provide disabled assistance.
“So our message to our fellow trade unionists is be loud and proud on the march and thank you for all that you have done in solidarity with RMT members. We stand united with you in your campaigns. Together we are unstoppable.”
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