Trade union RMT statement in support of Jeremy Corbyn.
Responding to the attacks on Jeremy Corbyn, RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;
"By peddling the ludicrous notion that Jeremy is some how responsible for the EU referendum result, Jeremy's critics are in fact insulting the intelligence of voters and in doing so further alienating millions of natural Labour supporters who are quite capable of making up their own minds and who voted for what they believed in.
"After a divisive referendum, and with the Tories on the ropes, working class people want the Labour Party to unite and address their concerns, instead those attacking Jeremy risk plunging the party into civil war and handing a gift to the Tories
"Jeremy has renewed the faith that many rank and file trade unionists have in the Labour Party which is vital in helping Labour assist in maintaining and increasing support amongst it's base. Trying to force him from office will weaken not strengthen the Labour Party.
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