RMT Announces Industrial Action Ballot On Tube Lines Over Pensions

RMT members at Tube Lines, including ex-Alstom Stratford Market depot staff, are to be balloted for industrial action to back the union’s demand for equal pension and travel-pass rights.

The union is demanding that all Tube Lines staff, including ex-Alstom staff at Stratford Market depot, be allowed to join the TfL Pension Scheme and receive the same travel concessions as those who work for LUL, including former Metronet staff.

Parity would bring Tube Lines staff free travel within London and 75 per cent of the cost of travel on the mainline railway – the concession that all Tube staff, including ex-Metronet people, already get.

The RMT executive endorsed the ballot following a unanimous call for action by workplace reps when they met in February following several months of stonewalling by Tube Lines bosses. The ballot will be for both strike action and action short of a strike.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

“This is a straightforward demand for parity with other Tube staff, we have gone through all the negotiating channels on both these issues but Tube Lines has refused to budge.

Former Metronet employees have been allowed back into the TfL Pension Fund (TfLPF) and now also have the same travel facilities as other LUL employees.

Tube Lines is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Transport for London and there is simply no excuse for refusing to give equal pension and pass rights.

The union remains ready to talk, and a strong mandate for industrial action will show Tube Lines and TfL the depth of anger there is over this blatant lack of fairness.”

> RMT National News

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