LU (Metronet) Signals Staff Vote By Over 90% For Action Over Imposition Of Rosters, Breaches Of Agreement And Outsourcing

TUBE UNION RMT announced today that London Underground (Metronet) members covered by the Signals Framework Agreement have voted by a massive majority of over 90% for strike action and action short of a strike in a dispute over the imposition of new rosters, breaches of agreements and the handing over of work to external contractors.

RMT have accused LUL management of unilaterally ripping up agreements, bulldozing through shift patterns that treat staff like slabs of meat that can be pulled off the shelf when it suits managers and of threatening job security through increased use of outside contractors.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said today:

“This overwhelming vote for action has shown LUL management that if they think that they can ride roughshod over our terms and conditions then they need to think again. It’s their bully-boy management style which has forced us into this dispute and our members have sent out the clearest possible message that they are not prepared to be beaten into submission.”

“LUL seem to be hell bent on confrontation by tearing up the Signals Framework Agreement and by unilaterally introducing new working practices which mean they can make people work what hours they like, when they like.

“On top of that, our member’s job security is being undermined by the handing over of work to external private contractors which could be done internally.

“Those are the issues at the heart of this dispute and RMT would expect management to take note of the angry and determined response of our members, reflected in this ballot result, and withdraw the attacks on procedures and working conditions.”

> RMT National News

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