What is a National Executive Committee decision?

This article is an 'executive decision' which has been written by the RMT National Executive Committee. The National Executive is the union's governing body in between AGMs. Its decisions set out what the union will do on a particular issue.

These decisions can often be brief, and may be one of several passed over a period of time. To get a better understanding or find out more information about what the RMT is doing, speak to your rep or attend your branch or Regional Council meeting.

London Underground 'Business Update' Meetings

We note the report and materials from the ‘Business Update’ meeting with the Managing Director of London Underground Ltd.

We also note that our agreed machinery of negotiation with LUL includes in paragraph 5 the provision that ‘a London Underground Briefing Forum will meet as and when appropriate to provide a forum for consultation on strategic issues relating to the performance, plans and objectives of London Underground’.

In line with our Regional Organiser’s recommendation, we believe that the meetings with the Managing Director should take place in this format rather than outside the machinery as they have been so far, and instruct the General Secretary to raise this with LUL and the other trade unions.

This decision refers to these particular meetings only, and does not preclude informal discussions with employers where this is appropriate.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advance.

What is a National Executive Committee decision?

This article is an 'executive decision' which has been written by the RMT National Executive Committee. The National Executive is the union's governing body in between AGMs. Its decisions set out what the union will do on a particular issue.

These decisions can often be brief, and may be one of several passed over a period of time. To get a better understanding or find out more information about what the RMT is doing, speak to your rep or attend your branch or Regional Council meeting.