Dispute: Reps' and Activists' Checklist

For our industrial action ballot of all London Underground and Transport for London members, all RMT reps and activists should:

 Talk to every member in your workplace and urge them to vote Yes

 Persuade non-members to join RMT

 Make sure your area’s membership list is accurate and up-to-date

 If any member does not receive a ballot paper, tell them to phone the RMT helpline on 0800-376-3706 - or take their name and membership/NI number, and phone the helpline yourself

 Regularly check www.rmtlondoncalling.org.uk for news and updates

 Go to your branch meeting and grades meeting

 Keep in touch with the Strike Committee - contact Andy on 07734-911427

 Distribute leaflets and other materials around your workplace - phone Janine on 07957-217639 for copies or download them here.

 Pass on feedback about what members are saying, what questions and doubts they have, what campaigning material you think would be useful - please pass on to Janine

 Organise workplace meetings or workplace tours to promote the ballot

 If you would like extra help in your area, contact Andy or Janine (numbers above), or Regional Organiser Steve Hedley (07545-530526)