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Shutdown the Bakerloo Line on Saturday!
The LUL media department, aka Transport for Lies, have trotted out the usual rubbish on the eve of a strike on the tube.
As we are all to only aware, truth is the first casualty of war.
LUL have certainly not let the truth get in the way of their story on why they sacked our workmate Eamonn Lynch. Why was the Employment Tribunal decision not mentioned in LUL’s press releases?
Perhaps because Eamonn Lynch won a landmark victory and LUL were found to have victimised him? Why else would the Judge order LUL to continue to pay his wages? Judges are not normally known for their altruistic nature are they?
They deal only on the facts presented to them and those facts supported Eamonn`s case against dismissal.
Lu bosses also came out with the same old story that the RMT always ballot for strike without following “due process”. Unfortunately for LUL the facts do not support these claims.
The RMT suspended the ballot for strike action while awaiting the outcome of the appeal. We were told this would take 4 days to be handed down. The union waited 35 days for the actual decision of the Appeal. The normal disciplinary process is now closed and still we are told we should not be taking action! Damned if you do; damned if you don’t! The union has lodged a Director’s Appeal and it is now down to LU top brass to sort this out.
In their propaganda LUL claim we have no mandate for strike action. On a turnout of just over 50% there was a 95% yes vote for strike action.
The ConDem coalition govern our country on much less of a mandate, should they return to the ballot box with such a flimsy mandate?
The best way we can answer these criticisms is to stand shoulder to shoulder on the picket lines this week. If management get away with victimising Eamonn, who has a tribunal ruling on his side, then no one is safe. We need to take strike action to stop management picking drivers off at will. Shutdown the Bakerloo Line on Saturday!
Reinstate Eamonn Lynch!
- 2021 reads