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- download the attached leaflet and display it wherever ABM Cleaners work on London Underground
Why join RMT?
To win change, we need to unite in a collective organisation. Our strength is in numbers. TfL and ABM cannot run the job without us: it’s cleaners - not senior managers - who ensure stations, trains, depots, and office buildings are safely cleaned for other staff and passengers to use every day. Joining a union is the best way of organising our collective power.
If you join RMT, you can take part in the union’s campaigns for better conditions, and have your say within the union’s democratic decision making. You can elect representatives and branch officers. RMT has around 15,000 members across TfL and its subsidiary companies.
As part of RMT, you’ll be part of an organisation alongside station staff, drivers, engineers, and other workers. Join RMT today and fight for a better life at work.
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