TfL no.1 & LU MATS branch

Welcome to TfL No.1 branch's webpage. The branch represents and organises TfL workers in TICC, Oyster and TIC, and LU Managers, Admin and Technical services. It also represents individual members in the rest of TfL. For more information please contact the branch secretary or branch chair. Please come along and get involved - you will be made very welcome! You will need to sign in to read branch meeting minutes.



Support the Shministim

This resolution, proposed by TfL no.1 branch and seconded by Stratford no.1 branch, was passed with one abstention at the Regional Council meeting in January 2009.

This Union notes that 7 Israeli teenagers – known as Shiministim – are refusing to serve in the Israeli army because they object to Israel’s military occupation of the Palestinian territories. They are all 18 or 19 years old, have been called for military service but have refused to go and are now in prison.

TfL Traffic Enforcement Job Cuts

by an RMT rep

Our Department Director has informed us of sweeping job cuts. It seems that management are bulldozing these cuts through. Rumours from worried senior managers are claiming that around 2,500 jobs are to be axed on TfL.

After giving us a slide show about ‘proposed’ changes, they then handed every member of staff a letter telling them whether their position had been ceased or not, and whether you would have to reapply for your own job.

To All Duty Managers

Time To Talk?

Your union sat down with the senior management, held meetings and negotiated the ‘Heads of Agreement’, which states: ‘Rosters will be presented by the centurion manager that meet operational requirements, determine required resources and comply with the Framework of Agreements. If, following line and local discussion the original roster cannot be agreed then alternative compliant rosters will be produced by duty managers and agreed by an appropriate proportion of staff.’

It also states: