London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT chalks up major victory and suspends tube strike action as LU pulls fleet cuts plans

TUBE UNION RMT has announced a stunning victory for militant trade unionism, and has suspended strike action involving over a thousand tube fleet staff due to start on Friday, after London Underground confirmed that it is withdrawing all proposed cuts to train inspection and preparation – the issue at the heart of the dispute.

RMT Upgrades News May 2019

RMT Upgrades News has all the latest information about the 4LM project and S Stock issues. Please click the link to read the newsletter. You can then share this story online or print the newsletter out and distribute it in your depot.

In this edition:

  • RMT demand management honour ATO training commitments

  • Traction Brake Controllers

  • New Signalling Interface Display software

  • New Master Control Switch

  • Customer Info System

  • Train Control Management System Human Machine Interface

Cancelled: Join the demo at City Hall against London Underground safety-critical cuts plan

Important demonstration at City Hall against London Underground safety-critical cuts to fleet preparation schedules  - 09:00 Thursday 16th May

Dear colleague,

As an RMT London Underground member, you'll most likely be aware that your colleagues in London Underground maintenance and engineering recently voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action in relation to proposed safety critical cuts.

RMT train reps call for review into insufficient driver numbers

Update May 3rd 2019

Today your RMT TFC reps met with LUL to discuss levels on trains; the current numbers were agreed as part of the 2009 Agreement.

The formula used to determine which “Band” a depot fell in was based on various factors, including the number of duties at a depot, the position of the depot on the line, the frequency of trains, number of remote booking locations and the proximity of the train crew to a rolling stock depot.

Jubilee South News May 2019

Jubilee South News is the Newsletters for tube workers on the Jubilee Line between Westminster and Stratford, including drivers at North Greenwich and Stratford, cleaners, caterers and signalers at Stratford Market Depot.

In this edition:

  • It’s official, shift work is a killer

  • RMT General Secretary election nomination

  • Dust Update


  • Pay Claim 2019

Please download the attached newsletter to read it, and then share it online or print it out and distribute it in your workplace.


Progress made addressing staff shortages at Hendon Central


That we note the report from our Lead Officer that progress is being made in addressing the unsafe staff shortages, and that matters are currently in hand.

We instruct the General Secretary to place an updated report back in front of this NEC.

Members to be advised by email & text.

Camden 3 Branch and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.`

RMT calls for meeting with Tube bosses to discuss ticket machine procedures


That we note the resolution from our Piccadilly & District West Branch regarding the unacceptable situation around flaws in the company’s POM procedures which are leading to financial discrepancies and disciplinary action against our members.

We instruct the General Secretary to arrange a director level meeting with the company with the knowledge that if our meeting request is refused or the outcome is not acceptable; a combine wide stations dispute may be our only and necessary course of action.

RMT to request meeting over TOD failure rule change


That we note the resolution from our Neasden Branch regarding the unacceptable situation with company changes to the LU Rule Book; resulting in transition based train control stock (TBTC) being kept in service if/when the train operator display (TOD) fails, which will also result in Train Operators having to rely on unqualified and remotely based third parties service decisions whilst they are driving their trains.

Sophie Kyei-Donkoh completely vindicated: RMT is a trades union working for our members


That we note the report from the Lead Officer and correspondence on file, and congratulate Sister Sophie Kyei-Donkoh, Brother Mark Harding, the local reps and our Bakerloo Line Branch for their successful campaign outcome resulting in Sister Sophie Kyei-Donkoh’s complete vindication and rescinding by the company of her 52 week Final Warning.

This is trades union working for our members!